I mean, he's not arguing against the air here, Lee's post here
can be taken as a "fuck Biden's bullshit"
Anyone willing to not vote for Biden just because of principles or because Biden gives them the sads or whatever either doesn't remember or wasn't around for the absolute shitshow that was
Ralph Nader and
Bernie Sanders acting as spoilers during those Bush-the-Lesser and Trump v Hillary elections. Bush the Lesser now looks like a fucking paragon of goddamned presidential virtue against the absolute literaly fascist racist rapist foreign spy and grifter that is Donald fucking Trump, but without Nader muddying the water for Gore, he wouldn't have been president during 9/11 and everything that followed. Likewise, although Hillary did herself no favors by being Hillary (ie, unlikeable and unelectable,) Sanders absolutely kneecapped her campaign just by not being Hillary.
However you feel about Biden's policies, he's not out there literally promising to dismantle voting rights, women's rights and install himself as president for life and use his office for revenge and abuse.