Pre-Order Thread

Oh god, I can’t even. Hell if for no other reason, I hate filling more than like five new shelf items. ESPECIALLY IF ITS AN A or SOME SHIT.

Fair. We just redid my whole record shelving situation, so now other than Classical, 12" singles, and Soundtracks everything is all properly filed on the shelves with some spaces kept for incoming stuff, including having most box sets currently in gen pop until I need the room for new stuff, which I'm scared will need to happen before the end of the year. Then it will either be 1-out;1-in or move some stuff offsite. My wife wants the first, I'd rather the second.
I kinda feel an obligation to listen to the new ones and then I stop listening to the old ones already filed and then I get jaded by the whole process and stop listening for a while.
I usually have music on all day. I never stop listening unless I’m sick or something. Even then I’ve got the generator…

I get guilty either way. I actually have an insane process that no one really needs to know about. It makes sure I am constantly working through all of it and is another reason my play through takes so damn long.

Every day - challenge record. Then not necessarily vinyl: Something I’ve never listened to (new or old), rhino album of the day, generator project album

Record on third listen (can be shelved after)
Record on second listen
record on first listen
Playthrough record (whatever the next record on my shelf is)
Two records from my acquired 24 as listed in Discogs
Random cogs pull
after a random pull, I can play whatever I want until the next day.

Saturdays I listen to whatever I want
Sundays, I at least start out on backlog but primarily jazz

If the last record I spin is between a third listen and free for all. I start the next day on wherever I was at.

Most of my vinyl listening on a weekday starts after 9 pm until I call it a day. Get the kid down and do chores for a bit before heading to the turntable.
Fair. We just redid my whole record shelving situation, so now other than Classical, 12" singles, and Soundtracks everything is all properly filed on the shelves with some spaces kept for incoming stuff, including having most box sets currently in gen pop until I need the room for new stuff, which I'm scared will need to happen before the end of the year. Then it will either be 1-out;1-in or move some stuff offsite. My wife wants the first, I'd rather the second.
ill have to 1 in 1 out when I fill up, but I’ve honestly got about twenty cubes to go. I have space built in for new things in every cube, but I still move like it’s not there. This prevents the random cube from getting scrunched up.
When I get new ones I feel like I have to listen to them in order to note defects, quality, etc. But then I'm like, wait, I don't really want to listen to 92 discs of Nirvana live right now. So sometimes they just sit, which causes clutter.
Oh I have no clutter. My wife would kill me. It’s all nicely organized on shelves (or the three fancy crates). They are just not in the main stacks as it were.
I have a full cube of "to be listened to"! I've really slowed down on purchases, have very little storage left, and am at the point of selling stuff that I never listen to.
See, it’s purging that fills me with guilt. They are all like not children, but beloved pets? I don’t know. Then there is the fact that I’m too lazy to get to the post office so PIFing… well just ask @Mack37 or @tvham. Lugging them to the local or Edward McKay is a whole other odyssey. Selling on cogs or EBay seems like too much of a pain in the ass.
See, it’s purging that fills me with guilt. They are all like not children, but beloved pets? I don’t know. Then there is the fact that I’m too lazy to get to the post office so PIFing… well just ask @Mack37 or @tvham. Lugging them to the local or Edwin McKay is a whole other odyssey.
I agree! That's why I say I'm going to sell some, yet never have.
I usually have music on all day. I never stop listening unless I’m sick or something. Even then I’ve got the generator…

I get guilty either way. I actually have an insane process that no one really needs to know about. It makes sure I am constantly working through all of it and is another reason my play through takes so damn long.

Every day - challenge record. Then not necessarily vinyl: Something I’ve never listened to (new or old), rhino album of the day, generator project album

Record on third listen (can be shelved after)
Record on second listen
record on first listen
Playthrough record (whatever the next record on my shelf is)
Two records from my acquired 24 as listed in Discogs
Random cogs pull
after a random pull, I can play whatever I want until the next day.

Saturdays I listen to whatever I want
Sundays, I at least start out on backlog but primarily jazz

If the last record I spin is between a third listen and free for all. I start the next day on wherever I was at.

Most of my vinyl listening on a weekday starts after 9 pm until I call it a day. Get the kid down and do chores for a bit before heading to the turntable.

ill have to 1 in 1 out when I fill up, but I’ve honestly got about twenty cubes to go. I have space built in for new things in every cube, but I still move like it’s not there. This prevents the random cube from getting scrunched up.

I’m quite mood driven and I can go from two years of listening to several albums a day to last year spending most of the year actually not listening to anything at all.

Also work. Can’t listen there. I do listen in the car now I’ve got my space back but equally sometimes I just want no sound and to think.
I’m quite mood driven and I can go from two years of listening to several albums a day to last year spending most of the year actually not listening to anything at all.

Also work. Can’t listen there. I do listen in the car now I’ve got my space back but equally sometimes I just want no sound and to think.
I listened at work too. Mood has a lot to do with not getting through a cycle. Like working on CDs means vinyl spins have been minimal this week. Cause I’m like oooooooh I wanna listen to that.
I agree! That's why I say I'm going to sell some, yet never have.
heck, I have enough quiet regret and a sadness for the CDs I ripped to storage... and then gave away.

I am going to try and PIF though as I've got about 50 records that I need to get out of the house. My challenge is that I'm too lazy to mail 50 individual records... but maybe I could mystery bundle?

edit... 75...
See, it’s purging that fills me with guilt. They are all like not children, but beloved pets? I don’t know. Then there is the fact that I’m too lazy to get to the post office so PIFing… well just ask @Mack37 or @tvham. Lugging them to the local or Edward McKay is a whole other odyssey. Selling on cogs or EBay seems like too much of a pain in the ass.
I see people talk about the difficulty of shipping all the time, but you know you can request that USPS pick up your package for free, right? That might be an issue for people who live in apartments, sketchy neighborhoods, really extreme climates, or rural places where they don't get mail service at your door, but for a lot of people, it's much easier to get records in the mail than you'd think. You just need to print out postage (I use PirateShip but think you can do it at USPS) and go to to request the pickup.

So if you're looking to get rid of some records, feel free to send some my way. Actually, I take that back. Don't. My shelves are overflowing and I've got a box of things I haven't listened to. I should think about how easy it is to mail out records and get rid of some, but as you say, "beloved pets."
I listened at work too. Mood has a lot to do with not getting through a cycle. Like working on CDs means vinyl spins have been minimal this week. Cause I’m like oooooooh I wanna listen to that.

Oh I don’t mean mood like that. I mean more like my general headspace. When I’m not in the greatest headspace i disappear inside myself and it kinda closes me off from everything and everyone external. That includes music.

But work is a no go. Working and listening just doesn’t suit the type of work I do.
I usually have music on all day. I never stop listening unless I’m sick or something. Even then I’ve got the generator…

I get guilty either way. I actually have an insane process that no one really needs to know about. It makes sure I am constantly working through all of it and is another reason my play through takes so damn long.

Every day - challenge record. Then not necessarily vinyl: Something I’ve never listened to (new or old), rhino album of the day, generator project album

Record on third listen (can be shelved after)
Record on second listen
record on first listen
Playthrough record (whatever the next record on my shelf is)
Two records from my acquired 24 as listed in Discogs
Random cogs pull
after a random pull, I can play whatever I want until the next day.

Saturdays I listen to whatever I want
Sundays, I at least start out on backlog but primarily jazz

If the last record I spin is between a third listen and free for all. I start the next day on wherever I was at.

Most of my vinyl listening on a weekday starts after 9 pm until I call it a day. Get the kid down and do chores for a bit before heading to the turntable.

ill have to 1 in 1 out when I fill up, but I’ve honestly got about twenty cubes to go. I have space built in for new things in every cube, but I still move like it’s not there. This prevents the random cube from getting scrunched up.
I have about 150 records and sometimes I get tired of what I have as I never feel like listening to a lot of the albums I own. I wish I could afford to have 700 + albums in my collection as then I would never be bored of what albums I owned.
I see people talk about the difficulty of shipping all the time, but you know you can request that USPS pick up your package for free, right? That might be an issue for people who live in apartments, sketchy neighborhoods, really extreme climates, or rural places where they don't get mail service at your door, but for a lot of people, it's much easier to get records in the mail than you'd think. You just need to print out postage (I use PirateShip but think you can do it at USPS) and go to to request the pickup.

So if you're looking to get rid of some records, feel free to send some my way. Actually, I take that back. Don't. My shelves are overflowing and I've got a box of things I haven't listened to. I should think about how easy it is to mail out records and get rid of some, but as you say, "beloved pets."
This requires a printer. I’m aware of the service. Actually we have a printer. It’s my wife’s one for work: it sits on a shelf not plugged in and the last time we tried to use it said it needed ink despite the fact that we never use it. Like we’ve printed a total of ten pages in the three years or so she’s had it.
I have about 150 records and sometimes I get tired of what I have as I never feel like listening to a lot of the albums I own. I wish I could afford to have 700 + albums in my collection as then I would never be bored of what albums I owned.
Famous. Last. Words. I probably thought that a couple of decades ago, yet i'm still getting multiple records a week. Go figure.