I kinda feel an obligation to listen to the new ones and then I stop listening to the old ones already filed and then I get jaded by the whole process and stop listening for a while.
I usually have music on all day. I never stop listening unless I’m sick or something. Even then I’ve got the generator…
I get guilty either way. I actually have an insane process that no one really needs to know about. It makes sure I am constantly working through all of it and is another reason my play through takes so damn long.
Every day - challenge record. Then not necessarily vinyl: Something I’ve never listened to (new or old), rhino album of the day, generator project album
Record on third listen (can be shelved after)
Record on second listen
record on first listen
Playthrough record (whatever the next record on my shelf is)
Two records from my acquired 24 as listed in Discogs
Random cogs pull
after a random pull, I can play whatever I want until the next day.
Saturdays I listen to whatever I want
Sundays, I at least start out on backlog but primarily jazz
If the last record I spin is between a third listen and free for all. I start the next day on wherever I was at.
Most of my vinyl listening on a weekday starts after 9 pm until I call it a day. Get the kid down and do chores for a bit before heading to the turntable.
Fair. We just redid my whole record shelving situation, so now other than Classical, 12" singles, and Soundtracks everything is all properly filed on the shelves with some spaces kept for incoming stuff, including having most box sets currently in gen pop until I need the room for new stuff, which I'm scared will need to happen before the end of the year. Then it will either be 1-out;1-in or move some stuff offsite. My wife wants the first, I'd rather the second.
ill have to 1 in 1 out when I fill up, but I’ve honestly got about twenty cubes to go. I have space built in for new things in every cube, but I still move like it’s not there. This prevents the random cube from getting scrunched up.