Well-Known Member
@Twentytwo is the driving force behind this thread and is very generous with his time and efforts. The rest of us look at it as a badge of honor if we get a release posted here before he does.
It started in the old VMP forum. Originally I think it was a way to keep up with VMP’s shop, then it morphed into what you might see on the r/VinylReleases, which is basically everyone posting preorders from their favorite label or other popular subscription services.
It’s certainly humbling having never heard of some bands, but makes you realize just how much music is being made or has been made. 99% of it I’ll never own on physical and probably 75% of it I’ll never actually hear.
With that said, there are some record store accounts here, as well as those that run distribution websites (@Ethos99), but I don’t think they necessarily contribute to this thread in particular.
And 5+ years ago there would be 1 variant or standard presses were limited so if you missed out you might have missed out for good without big secondary prices. Now we have variants on variants