Melt Face Molly Drop
Well-Known Member
Billy Woods stuff has gotten more easily accessible. Hiding Places is up here woods + segal - Hiding Places [VINYL RE-ISSUE]Yeah. Fucking hip-hop has a hard on for overcharging and keeping releases limited in recent years. See the fact that all of Billy Woods albums can only be purchased on tour (for $50) or that JPEG's albums dip in and out of print and are priced at like 40$. It's why that part of my collection has stalled.
But Cunninlynguists probably need the $ and that album was a STAPLE of my college years. I actually started buying wax after seeing APOS and Strange Journey volume III at their merch table during a 2014 tour. Bought them on the spot (for $25) and they remain among the most valuable records in my collection because they've never (to my knowledge) been repressed.
So we will see what happens. I just found a shop out here that is going to have it-- but they specialize in hip-hop so I bet it's one of the few places where that album is gonna be in high demand.
And his new one: billy woods - GOLLIWOG [2xLP VINYL]
I got that APOS back in 2014 as well, love that album.
I follow Kno on social media and he's adamant that they only do pressings if it's gonna benefit the small guy. Like they just released their EP through a small coffee shop in NC (I think), so he's a good dude obviously that isn't trying to sell out anytime soon.