That's awesome! It was a fun way of creating lists. I'm very visual (most record collectors probably are too), so I used Topsters a lot.
I don't care about people's personal beliefs per se, when they keep it to themselves or it doesn't start to permeate too much into other spheres. But in this case, Topsters started getting used as a vehicle for spreading false conspiracy theories about COVID and the pandemic, and I cannot promote that in good conscience. Specifically, if you go to Topsters, since around the 4-6th of this month, there is a box with a link promoting this stuff.
But if anyone still wants to use it, it won't offend me in any way. It's not like you can't use the program and ignore the ad box. And I'm not sure where any money comes in with this program since it's pretty bare-bones (which was it's charm, really).