Only two episodes into Acolyte so far but not really feeling it. They're doing a poor job making me care about any of the characters or underline why there might be tension here....the "mystery" isn't intriguing in the slightest. Hope it improves.
agree about the episode, but the reveal of the sith lord was pretty much obvious the episode before
agree about the episode, but the reveal of the sith lord was pretty much obvious the episode before
I don't think he's really a Sith, I think he's the origin of the Knights of Ren. The helmet, the Kylo Ren music when he puts the blanket over Osha. He says to Sol, you would call me a Sith. It was a great episode and I didn't not expect the two deaths that happened in the brutalist of fashions. Shades of Qui Gon getting killed
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It was obvious who was who but I think he’s just a midboss to introduce someone further up the chain. We are told this is how we learn about the Jedi being infiltrated by the Sith so I have a suspicion this is all just misdirection.
It was obvious who was who but I think he’s just a midboss to introduce someone further up the chain. We are told this is how we learn about the Jedi being infiltrated by the Sith so I have a suspicion this is all just misdirection.
i read a recap on the net somewhere that suggested he might be a knight of ren, probably even ren ( their founder) , which would fit more than an actaul sith , because he does not to call himself this way. also that rcap noticed that the theme of kylo ren is cited a lot during the episode
I've been watching the...sigh...Skywalker order over the last few weeks and am ready to lob a flaming-hot take into the room: beyond proper nouns (names, species, planets) there are very few, if any, made-up words in Star Wars' OT (and most of the made-up ones, like Droids, have a familiar etymology). I think that helps a ton for the accessibility of the story itself, and gives the actors less to overcome and a lot more to grab onto when delivering dialogue.

Otherwise the mekneks over-tinker the holos and they turn out like poodoo.
Shame it took 5 episodes to hit the mark for Acolyte though - I almost gave up on it - wonder how many did?
Still not completely convinced. Episode 5 was great and I really like the the high republic book project but so far , dislodge and character development are not particularly well written