House of the Dragon is....ok. The storylines are great, the recaps and previews both seem better than the show though. I'll hang in there for the season and see how it progresses. Is this a one-off season or are they planning a series?
This is my question as well.
The storyline is great, and they have me hooked on seeing what comes next, but I agree that there are places where the show just sort of drags. However, it drug less so with the latest episode,
I've been having a pleasant time discovering how House of the Dragon is unfurling its story. While the first couple of episodes felt a bit inert, once I realized they were basically giving us a snapshot every episode of several years' worth of story, a lot clicked into place. My biggest complaint had been that GoT built a lot of its drama on relationships, as well as the shared history of Westeros (Robert's Rebellion, etc). Using the bulk of the first season to shade in such backstory and table-setting is a risky move that's paying off for me.
Meanwhile, I've stalled out on Rings of Power, mostly for the reasons
@Max Sterling describes; I'm not really invested in the storylines, and overall I feel like I'm supposed to like this because it's LoTR, while it fails to hold my interest in the way LoTR does. I'm the odd type whose enjoyment of Tolkein starts and stops at the main novel itself; while the Silmarillion is kinda interesting, it just wasn't a gripping read for me (though I only tried reading it half a lifetime ago). All the lore and history are necessary to making LoTR feel whole and lived-in, but I don't really want to watch a history lesson.
And Andor is just plain great; it's so refreshing to have a genre show that seems more interested in characters and intrigue rather than staking a claim on a franchise and delivering familiarity. My opinion of Star Wars and superheroes has shifted from "why can't this be better?" to "okay, this just isn't for me," and I don't mind the whiplash of being pulled in by something that's told with some modicum of maturity. The Mandalorian
sort of delivered on this, but I've always maintained that Star Wars (and franchises in general) would benefit more from single voices saying "this is what
I think of when I think of Star Wars," and I'm getting that here.