Well-Known Member
Lost was definitely flawed...but when it hit, it hit deeply. The pilot sucked you in like no other show, the mysteries kept you hooked. The characters were memorable and then every now and then you'd run into an episode like the constant that would emotionally destroy you.I feel like The Sopranos hits in much the same way as The Wire or Band Of Brothers. I would add Deadwood, and Mad Men to that list along with Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul. Game of Thrones would be on my list as well. I would also replace Lost, which is thought provoking but also deeply flawed; with The Leftovers which basically get to a deeper more meaningful place but without all the tail-chasing and dead ends.
The Sopranos is top five for me , im not saying lost is a better overall show. It's simply for me Lost sticks in my brain better. It's little things more than an overall thing.
Same with mr robot. It's a flawed show, but I think of that show maybe once a month.