
I'm finding the pacing of this latest season a bit off. It's good still, but the last couple of episodes could've done more with the time and be less concerned with shots that add to atmosphere and less to do with telling the story. The last episode in particular could've done a better job filling the time.

Like, you're really telling me 3 major characters, one with all the secrets spent all day together and we're only going to get some answers after a long journey to the Innie cabin?
Yeah, the pacing is an issue for me too. Makes me wonder if the Harmony subplot would’ve built better if we’d followed her as a B (or C) plot during a few other episodes, and the Dylan plot could’ve simmered and built to more of a boil.

It’s a hard premise to pull off for sure, I think the show’s pulled away a bit from the office satire and workplace goings on, which I thought was a key part of season one’s success.