I don't know about this Rod Stewart album, man. It's well-played and well-recorded but I'm not really jiving with Stewart's vocal style or his repertoire. It's repetitive and the whole "good ol country boy" shtick he's going for here is really lame in my opinion. The songwriting credits boast names like Bobby Womack, Bob Dylan, and Elton John & Bernie Taupin. And in each case I feel like I'd much rather be hearing those artists perform their respective songs because in Stewart's hands they all end up melting into one big country rock pastiche that floats straight into the background for me. Why do so many of these songs go on for like three minutes too long? Why are his vocals buried in the mix on the title track? Why are they panned to one side on the last track? Not that I'm complaining that I can't hear Rod Stewart's voice but still.
Respect to the musicians who made this semi-less irritating but listening to Stewart constantly wail "YOU'RE MY GIRL" over and over again into my right ear on the final song is what it took to push me to give this my first 1 out of 5.
Once again, I'll let SpongeBob sum up my feelings better than I could:
And out of curiosity I did go back and listen to the original Elton John version of "Country Comfort" after this and I'd be embarrassed if I were Rod.