The football thread RenegadeMonster is looking for: NFL talk

1. Mad props to @tvham for getting all of the picks right (so far)
2. The Chargers losing the way they did was simultaneously unbelievable and yet totally expected.
3. I despise the 49ers, but I don’t see anyone beating them until the Super Bowl when they lose to the Bills, the TeamOfDestiny ™️
Even though I picked the Bengals I would love Baltimore to pull this out just so we can have another week of Lamarr drama!
the vikings are who we thought they were!! anyway, i never got on board with the 'fraud' claims - a fraud team does not pull out a win in EVERY close game with many of those wins being comeback wins if there isn't something of quality there - but they were certainly a team where their flaws were as clear as day and rightfully they did not instill fear in anyone opposing them. so i'm not surprised in the outcome, and i can't even say it's all that disappointing. at least it wasn't 41-0.

Need to play a lot better next week.

Man that guy trailing on the run back almost cost them the TD with the block in the back at the end. I was yelling at my TV, “DON’T DO IT!!” and then he did it. The block was close and you could tell he instantly regretted it when his hand immediately went up in the air. I am glad the refs didn’t call it but they definitely could have and it wouldn’t have been the wrong call.

That play was so fun to watch I thought it was gonna be ruined.