The National

For anyone who settled on the red indie exclusive, it can be had for under $23 (free shipping) at Amoeba using the code JAN15.
Thanks for this...I was hoping to order from Bullmoose with another album but they already have it listed as sold out. Got it from Amoeba for around $25 (silly CA tax)
There’s a lengthier write up with interview quotes about the new album here:

The format on this article is terrible but there’s some good info on the album in it.

First Two Pages of Frankenstein derives its title from a moment deep in Berninger’s bout with writer’s block. “When I feel stuck I’ll often grab a book off the shelf just to get some words in my head, and the first two pages of Frankenstein ended up triggering the song ‘Your Mind Is Not Your Friend,’” he says, referring to one of the album’s most bracingly introspective tracks. “The book starts off with the narrator on a voyage near the Arctic Circle, and that image of being adrift helped me to write about feeling disconnected and lost and lacking in purpose. Once I started confronting that strange, blurry panic of not having ideas, everything began to crack open a bit.”
Ok. I think I am more comfortable now joining the “this artwork is kinda not my thing” club. Lol.
It’s art, it’s all about our perceived perceptions on specific perspectives in how we assign life value to inanimate objects that resemble life giving. Then enforcing those perceived perceptions on to our offspring creating a sort of Frankensteins named Paul who are part living and inanimate.

Im also in this club, was there any meaning to the TWFM artwork? That kinda had a head style artwork
I think, on its own, it’s fine. But it doesn’t really feel like something that’s be attached to the National’s music. I was thinking that there’d be some supplemental design choices or even just photos of the band that connected things a little more. But who knows. Maybe the music does share vibes with the art.
So I am spinning the green version of Sleep Well Beast tonight. First off, what an album. I think this is such a comfort listen to me at this point, but also jeez it's so strong all the way through. Next, the green version sounds amazing. I know it's probably stupid expensive to buy now, but if you are looking for a trade up, this is the one to get. It's great.
So I am spinning the green version of Sleep Well Beast tonight. First off, what an album. I think this is such a comfort listen to me at this point, but also jeez it's so strong all the way through. Next, the green version sounds amazing. I know it's probably stupid expensive to buy now, but if you are looking for a trade up, this is the one to get. It's great.

It's not awfully expensive. It's just a matter of having the $ to upgrade vs using that on something else
Made the mistake of listening to ‘Weird Goodbyes’ while holding my son for a nap and now I’m in tears. Happy Sunday! 🥲
Supposedly… But I was thinking it was happening today and was disappointed that it didn’t.
I was expecting something yesterday, too. But, I think they announced the album, tour and dropped Tropic Morning News on a Wed, so maybe we'll finally get T-Shirt today as well as the announcement of Toronto (and possibly additional Canadian dates?) that they hinted at a few days ago?