The Official Needles and Grooves 1001 Album Generator Project (aka Preachin’ about the Preachers if today’s selection sucks)

I wasn’t ready for Goo. I also think Goo is why I didn’t really get into the Velvet Underground. I picked up & Nico around the same time. Goo still feels to me like the Velvets taken to their farthest extreme. I’ve bought and offloaded this album more than any other.

When I was in the midst of my cd collecting I would purge things I had not listened to in one year. This album would head to the used cd store and then a few months later, I’d be like I really want to hear Goo and I’d find a used copy and listen to it.

I certainly wasn’t ready for it in 1990 and this was with self titled and Confusion is Sex in the collection.

I love it though. I also still don’t quite get it. I think it was the band trying to move them selves a bit from Daydream but still feeling it, if that makes sense. It’s banger followed by weird art song. Rinse, repeat and it’s a LOT.
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Daydream Nation is the best SY album, but Goo is my favorite SY album.
I'm almost with you on this one, but I find myself reaching for Dirty more often than Goo, so I think Dirty is my favorite. At least for the moment.
This was the first I heard of Sonic Youth as well. A friend of mine taped a Metallica bootleg on a C-90 for me. It covered up part of side B of that tape too, and he had taped over Goo on that side (he wasn't a fan) so I heard the second half of that album everytime I played the bootleg and forgot to turn off the tape when it was finished. I didn't get it at first but after a few listens it sank it's teeth in me and I decided to pick it up on CD. I actually think I bought Goo and Nevermind on the same day. Pretty much changed my life.

Muddy Waters - Hard Again


The Divine Comedy - Casanova

Allmusic Review


Lol… “seemed equally inspired… Jacques Brel”. Lol

Evidently dude is playing Alfie here. I’ve never seen the Jude Law update, but I saw the Michael Caine version when I was a youth. I think I would have remembered more about it if it had been some British Version of American Psycho.
I really like that the book is laid out chronologically. The other book is alphabetical which means I will be listening to a lot of Beatles at once, not a bad thing but not ideal for a true musical exploration.