The Official Needles and Grooves 1001 Album Generator Project (aka Preachin’ about the Preachers if today’s selection sucks)

The rest of it is really about how both bands are atmospheric in their sound.
There is also a difference in the artifice of production. Vig and company are trying to manufacture both Manson and a synthesis of what was cool about 90's alternative pop. Barrow and company are using a synthesis of what they think sounds cool to support Gibbons. One feels contrived, the other feels natural. at least to me, but ymmv. They are also relative contemporaries so they just strike me as a natural comparison. Both vocalists are the actual focus of the albums and the material presented.


Garbage - Garbage

Allmusic Review:

RIYL Playlist:

I really enjoyed the discussion and wildly differing opinions this album brought to the thread. I definitely lean more toward Camp @Hemotep on this one. It's been a lot of years since I've listened to the whole thing and nearly two-thirds of a lifetime later I still really enjoy it - some bits more than before and some bits less. I can understand what rubs folks the wrong way here, but it rubs me right. I'd forgotten how much I love "Milk." 4/5
I really enjoyed the discussion and wildly differing opinions this album brought to the thread. I definitely lean more toward Camp @Hemotep on this one. It's been a lot of years since I've listened to the whole thing and nearly two-thirds of a lifetime later I still really enjoy it - some bits more than before and some bits less. I can understand what rubs folks the wrong way here, but it rubs me right. I'd forgotten how much I love "Milk." 4/5
I think “rub folks the wrong way” is almost too extreme. I don’t see anyone shitting on the album on its own merit. I think it’s only suffers in comparison to other albums of the same of the ilk.

Allmusic Review

I don't think I've ever listened to this album full. I mean Glory Box and Sour Times was on MTV a lot at the time, so I'm familiar with them. I think my girlfriend back then really liked them too.
So this will be interesting!
I think “rub folks the wrong way” is almost too extreme. I don’t see anyone shitting on the album on its own merit. I think it’s only suffers in comparison to other albums of the same of the ilk.

Fair point. I was mostly thinking about the slick sheen of production on it - I recall seeing that ruffle a few feathers throughout the discussion.
Fair point. I was mostly thinking about the slick sheen of production on it - I recall seeing that ruffle a few feathers throughout the discussion.
I think there was a fair amount of people taking offense, for lack of a better term, at anyone being less than this is amazing towards it. Although, to a certain extent, I would think as an artist that being "forgettable" would be a pretty big punch to the gut, so maybe the response is warranted.
I think there was a fair amount of people taking offense, for lack of a better term, at anyone being less than this is amazing towards it. Although, to a certain extent, I would think as an artist that being "forgettable" would be a pretty big punch to the gut, so maybe the response is warranted.
If that was me, I wasn't offended and sorry it came off that way since I did word part of my critique at what you said because it seemed more like an offhand attempt just to lob an insult at the music rather than a thought out criticism (your comments clarifying above do more to explain). I don't really care if others don't like what I like or not, so definitely not offended by anyone who thinks Garbage sucks. But there has been a lot of echo chamber shitting on some popular albums in a few threads lately with very strong opinions on them and I thought it was worth offering a strong opinion as a counterpoint on this one.
If that was me, I wasn't offended and sorry it came off that way since I did word part of my critique at what you said because it seemed more like an offhand attempt just to lob an insult at the music rather than a thought out criticism (your comments clarifying above do more to explain). I don't really care if others don't like what I like or not, so definitely not offended by anyone who thinks Garbage sucks. But there has been a lot of echo chamber shitting on some popular albums in a few threads lately with very strong opinions on them and I thought it was worth offering a strong opinion as a counterpoint on this one.
It’s all good. I needed to clarify some stuff evidently.
Portishead - Dummy
My initial thoughts are, "It's Dummy by Portishead, of course it's an automatic five, are you crazy?" But then I started to think a little (and I haven't pressed play yet). Outside the singles 'Numb', 'Sour Times' and of course 'Glory Box' is anything about the rest of the album memorable at all? Are the good songs that good, that it doesn't even matter about the rest?

We shall see...

'Mysterons' is such a good opening song, sets the mood immediately.

Not much to add about 'Sour Times', great song.

I love the throbbing, pulsating drive of the bass and the trippy backwards snare in this song, 'Strangers' is definitely one to remember.

'It Could Be Sweet' is the first song I'm not a fan of on the album, the beat in particular feels off with the rest of the instrumentation and sampling on the track. It's not bad by any means, but doesn't do it for me.

'Wandering Star' picks things back up with a great beat and bass line and some good turntable work.

Nice organy opening, I don't really remember this song at all. Hmm, a bit nondescript this one sadly, and I'm rather cold for 'It's On Fire'.

Dark and brooding and what a fucking bass line, 'Numb' is fantastic. The processing on the drums creates a great atmosphere too.

This song is like heartbreak and despair and sadness distilled and compressed into a single outpouring of grief. The guitar swells and then the orchestra are just perfect. 'Roads' is a fantastic song, probably my favourite on the album.

Another great bass line in 'Pedestal' and trumpet solo! (Sounds like a trumpet to me!)

The organ sounds good in 'Biscuit' and some more sub-bass is always good. The scratching and slowed down vocal sample sounds great with the organ over the top.

'Glory Box' is a very good song.

Debut album, hugely influential, the best song wasn't even a single.

5 / 5 stars.
There is also a difference in the artifice of production. Vig and company are trying to manufacture both Manson and a synthesis of what was cool about 90's alternative pop. Barrow and company are using a synthesis of what they think sounds cool to support Gibbons. One feels contrived, the other feels natural. at least to me, but ymmv. They are also relative contemporaries so they just strike me as a natural comparison. Both vocalists are the actual focus of the albums and the material presented.
Huh, I've never considered Shirley Manson as manufactured. My take was always that she was a force of personality enough to be the face of the band and put an edge to the slick production. Both always sounded natural to me.