The Official Needles and Grooves 1001 Album Generator Project (aka Preachin’ about the Preachers if today’s selection sucks)

Like what the actual fuck, is In & Out of Paris & London a date rape song?

It is a far far better thing that I do now than I have ever done before
It is a far far better place that I go to than I have ever known before
My slap 'n' tickle made her giggle, made her wiggle like a willow tree
So suggestively
So I suggested
She protested
I persisted till she said Well OK
And I said Wey-hey!
In or out - of one thing there can be no doubt
Out or in - this is not a sin - it's not even original
And hey, we're all individuals - so let the games begin
I fall in love with someone new practically every day but that's OK
It's just the price I pay for being a man (if that's really what I am)
And I refuse to take it all too seriously
It's such a strange activity far too peculiar to be taken any other way
Don't wait until tomorrow - do it today
In out in out in out in out in out in out in out
Shake it all about
This is bordering on being the first album I don't finish. I'm not sure it will get a second listen tomorrow because I'm not sure I can stomach another listen. If there is anyone that loves this album here, could you explain it to me? I feel like I'm being punked. Is this like why people like Father John Misty, because at least he isn't this guy?
WHAT THE FUCK?!??!??!!!

The Frog Princess

I met a girl, she was a frog princess
I guess I ought to make it clear
That I saw nothing through her see-through dress
Until she whispered in my ear
"You don't really love me and I don't really mind
'Cause I don't love anybody,
That stuff is just a waste of time
Your place or mine?"
I met a girl, she was a complete mess
I should've left her well alone—but oh no, not me!
I had to see if underneath that dress
Her heart was really made of stone
I met a girl, she was a frog princess
And yes I do regret it now
But how was I to know that just one kiss
Could turn my frog into a cow?
And now I'm rid of her I must confess
To thinking 'bout what might have been
And I can visualise my frog princess
Beneath a shining guillotine
You don't really love me and I don't really mind
'Cause I don't love anybody,
I come and go through people's love lives
Your place or mine?
Then the last song has heartbreaking lyrics which are presented in a weird Michael Crawford Phantom of the Opera manner. What a weird album. The first song, while bizarre, was genuinely great and probably carried this album to a certain extent. But it's all so fucking weird and the lyrics mostly vile.
I mean it's 3:09 am here.... anyhow EXPLAIN WHATEVER THE HELL THAT WAS I JUST LISTENED TO!!! (by just I mean a couple of hours ago)

Not a clue. Was never into the Divine Comedy. My memory is of them being in a similar vein to Belle & Sebastian, so boring and shit. Can only really fully remember the song they did about being on a bus. It was shit. They did do fhe theme music to my favourite ever tv show.

My feeling given what little I know of Neil Hannon is that the idea of him as a lothario is laughable in the extreme and that it’s some sort of ironic concept. I don’t know though.
Not a clue. Was never into the Divine Comedy. My memory is of them being in a similar vein to Belle & Sebastian, so boring and shit. Can only really fully remember the song they did about being on a bus. It was shit. They did do fhe theme music to my favourite ever tv show.

My feeling given what little I know of Neil Hannon is that the idea of him as a lothario is laughable in the extreme and that it’s some sort of ironic concept. I don’t know though.
Cool. Now I need to know what ruffled @Rip_City 's feathers.

While I've got you, in the funhouse, I was talking about Television Personalities, what's your take there.?

Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Rust Never Sleeps

Allmusic Review:

Neil Young albums are also available on Amazon and, of course, through the Neil Young Archives.

Here's a youtube if you have none of those:

The vinyl is pretty great as well :p


I think this was the third Neil album I bought. It's one to crank to 11.