Nee Lewman
Yeah, I imagine I could probably find one at my local tomorrow, were I to head there. I haven't prioritized Neil at all. In fact, up until 3 months ago, I had zero Neil Young on the shelf. I inherited a copy of Comes a Time from my grandparents' collection, but I passed it along to a friend who is a much bigger Neil fan than I am. Then in short order, said buddy gave me a copy of After the Gold Rush that he scored from the bargain bin, and I bought Zuma from our pal Sonic Pharmacist. I've been enjoying the passive pick-ups so far, but I suspect Live Rust may wind up being one of the ones I'm a little more active in procuring. Particularly knowing that official Neil generally means great pressings.

And that’s just vinyl, none of my cds are in there yet. He has almost a whole cube which is the most of any one artist I have one vinyl.