The Official Needles and Grooves 1001 Album Generator Project (aka Preachin’ about the Preachers if today’s selection sucks)


Emerson, Lake and Palmer - Pictures at an Exhibition

Allmusic Review:

Oh no...bracing myself for this one.
Twenty years ago I would have given this a 5/5 without hesitation. These days it's probably more of a 3.5/4 for me. And I'm okay with that. The impact this had and the changes this made to the overall soundscape will forever remain important. There is a lot of nostalgia here and, overall, it still bangs - but feels a bit more monotonous these days than it did in my younger days.

some thoughts on The Chems. I like @avecigrec would have given this a five back in the day. Today, I'm giving it a three. This is not an album for chilling at the house, in some ways its only loosely an album anyhow, this is a collection of club bangers that each work on that level to an extreme degree. They swell to create a fervor on the dance floor. This was really the ground floor of BIG BEAT and it was a lot of fun at the raves back in the day. This is not a chill at home with a whiskey while it spins. It would be awesome for a run.
You both wrote my thoughts listening to this yesterday. There was a time I loved this front to back. But it had been years since I listened. There were moments. But better to listen to these tracks on a mix than straight through for a whole album. 3/5
I just dip in and out of this generator when I need something to listen to (I know its not the spirit of it but .....) and very rarely comment
WOW todays was really a difficult listen I nearly gave up a couple of times, I try not to be negative about music as I know its all subjective and there is obviously people that do enjoy it but I'm glad I won't ever have to listen to that again, sorry if your a fan but I just don't get it one little bit, just dreadful from start to finish

Emerson, Lake and Palmer - Pictures at an Exhibition

Allmusic Review:

If I listened to this, and then died, I'd be really disappointed.

There are actually some fantastic parts of this, just for the really over blown, over the top silliness of it all, you just can't help but get into it.

I'm really not sure if I love or hate this.

This is like one of those really cheaply made B-movie zombie films that are so bad they are good. Just keep flinging more and more gore on and no one will notice absolutely nothing else is happening.

Didn't ELP have a record with some H.R. Giger artwork, the title of which I can never remember? Always makes me think of Dead Kennedys for some reason. Brain Salad Surgery → Plastic Surgery Disasters!

I'm edging close to a three.

Christ, they want more!

I'd probably be walking out halfway through the encore.

2 / 5 stars.
I really want to be able to use the "so-bad-it's-good"-approach that @jt4527 does above, but I just can't. Excessive use of organ that just eats away on my sanity. And, yes, then comes another solo...and another. This is basically the opposite of everything that I enjoy about rock music. I will gladly avoid ELP from now on (unless they have more stuff on this list, in which case they have zero expectations to live up to for me, so there's that working in their favor) Score: my first 1/5 so far into this project.
I really want to be able to use the "so-bad-it's-good"-approach that @jt4527 does above, but I just can't. Excessive use of organ that just eats away on my sanity. And, yes, then comes another solo...and another. This is basically the opposite of everything that I enjoy about rock music. I will gladly avoid ELP from now on (unless they have more stuff on this list, in which case they have zero expectations to live up to for me, so there's that working in their favor) Score: my first 1/5 so far into this project.
I’m sure Brain Salad Surgery is on the list.
I hope to give this another listen before I get to work and give it the last official listen. My thoughts on the first listen are that this is the stereotypical full of itself prog that turns folks like @Joe Mac off of prog music. In this case, understandably so. It resembles the source material not very much and is mostly aimless noodles. It’s a shoddy recording to boot!

Emerson, Lake and Palmer - Pictures at an Exhibition

Allmusic Review:

I was dreading going into this one after reading everybody's reactions here, but wound up pleasantly surprised. I'm not gonna be the odd fucker out and say it's absolutely amazing but I found it enjoyable enough - wankery and all. I'll take King Crimson and Sun Ra over ELP all day, every day, but I wouldn't be mortified if somebody wanted to put this on. 3/5
I was dreading going into this one after reading everybody's reactions here, but wound up pleasantly surprised. I'm not gonna be the odd fucker out and say it's absolutely amazing but I found it enjoyable enough - wankery and all. I'll take King Crimson and Sun Ra over ELP all day, every day, but I wouldn't be mortified if somebody wanted to put this on. 3/5

I’m gunna say that I both haven’t listened to it and probably don’t intend to listen to it.

That gif was just for the lols and because lee keeps tagging me in a comment every time a prog album comes up 😂

Emerson, Lake and Palmer - Pictures at an Exhibition

Allmusic Review:

I know I'd listened to this just a couple years ago and remembered being pretty meh on it. But as I was listening, I thought wow, I didn't remember this being 2 hours and 9 minutes long. Turns out I just listened to the deluxe version. And while I did strongly dislike the first couple tracks, by the time it got to the Baba Yaga freakout tracks I was really into it. I know this will convince absolutely none of you (maybe @avecigrec) but I like this extended deluxe version far more than the standard version, despite there being several tracks that do nothing for me. 3/5