This Time It's Personal: The November 2023 Record Challenge Thread

November 10
:::loud Friday night:::

You and your crew are about to head downtown for a real crazzzzy night. Play something that would get you in a dancing mood or excited about staying up way too late. Let’s face it though, you’re really just going to fall asleep while watching NCIS reruns in your recliner around nine o’clock tonight.

DJ Sabrina the Teenage DJ - Destiny

At almost 4 hours long, this album lets party go longer than a Scorsese movie.

Day 12: Them: “Hey, Vertical Horizon is playing at the fair this year! We’re gonna’ get tickets, you wanna’ come?”
You: (gesturing towards your new haircut) “Can’t you see? I’m Emo now; I only listen to Emo.”

Bryan Adams - Reckless


My personal style has stayed almost the same since my teenage years: jeans & t-shirts similar to what Bryan Adams wears (though I go for hoodies rather than leather jackets).
November 11
:::quiet Saturday morning:::
Shoot, you woke up way too early today even though you had plans to sleep in. No one else is up, it’s just you, your morning cup of coffee, and your turntable. What do you feel like playing to ease you into today?

To me, my late night is also most folks' early morning. Vampire lifestyle - it's a curse with occasional cool aspects.

My hazy AM go to - finally on vinyl.

God, I love this band and I'm still crushed we lost Mark Sandman...

Morphine - The Night

November 12
Them: “Hey, Vertical Horizon is playing at the fair this year! We’re gonna’ get tickets, you wanna’ come?”
You: (gesturing towards your new haircut) “Can’t you see? I’m Emo now; I only listen to Emo.”

Play an artist that represents a certain style you adhered to during a certain time in your life. If your physical/clothing style never changed, then play something that maybe connected to your emotional style. I’m not sure what that means exactly, so why don’t you interpret it?

I'm an old sumbitch. A fringe benefit of that is getting to be a part of a lotta music scenes during their infancy.

Long story short - I was at this show in an old house converted into a club with about 50 other people in 1982 when no one had a clue who the fuck R.E.M. was. Chronic Town had been released less than two months prior and outside of Athens, the rest of the world was still unsuspecting.

Truly a watershed gig in my concert history...

R.E.M. - Chronic Town

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November 13
(singing along, music playing loud in headphones) “Late night, come home/WORK SUCKS, I KNOW!!”
(boss pokes head over your cubicle wall): “Sorry, what was that?”

What albums got you through tough shifts at work, either in the past or in your current job?

Working in a small room with 4 other people all while watching patient telemetry and the various beepings that are continuously sounding off, there is usually someone streaming some music from one of the stations. Not usually too loud...unless one person is DJ'ing on that night. Most of the time it is safe for work rock or pop...with occasional K-pop that annoys the rest of us.

I usually don't have control of the playlist anymore since I went part time - I'm only there to provide breaks - so their stations are still being watched when they need to get up for something. Because of this I usually have been listening to an audiobook or podcast with an ear bud in.

But when I get on the station that has the music I may add a couple safe for work tracks to the queue. Since there are a few of us "older" guys, I tend to play stuff from the 90's/2000's, maybe some Dio Holy Diver, because I really have no idea what is the good pop/mainstream tracks. Last week was the first time I heard more than the 2 Taylor Swift tracks I knew.

Before this job, I never really had an option to listen to music while working. I would have to go back almost 30 years when I was a kid doing a lot of outside work.

The Smashing Pumpkins – Mellon Collie And The Infinite Sadness
Virgin – 5099997855316, 1995/2012

Cut by Stan Getz II at A+R Record Manufacturing Corporation
Pressed at Pallas


November 12
Them: “Hey, Vertical Horizon is playing at the fair this year! We’re gonna’ get tickets, you wanna’ come?”
You: (gesturing towards your new haircut) “Can’t you see? I’m Emo now; I only listen to Emo.”

Play an artist that represents a certain style you adhered to during a certain time in your life. If your physical/clothing style never changed, then play something that maybe connected to your emotional style. I’m not sure what that means exactly, so why don’t you interpret it?

Well, given I still have a penchant for cargo shorts & flannel shirts tied around my waist, I have to give credit to the Seattle Scene for making me feel briefly fashionable. And Costco for consistently keeping my wardrobe fresh year after year.

Various Artists ~ The Glamour and the Squalor Soundtrack

November 13
(singing along, music playing loud in headphones) “Late night, come home/WORK SUCKS, I KNOW!!”
(boss pokes head over your cubicle wall): “Sorry, what was that?”

What albums got you through tough shifts at work, either in the past or in your current job?

Queen "A Day At The Races" (1976 EMI; 2008 reissue)
My current work demands absolute quiet so I don't play music while on the job. We did blast a lot of different things when I used to work in labs. But I thought I'd go all the way back to a job from my high school days. I worked in a high-end men's clothing store for several years. Like suits, fine clothes, tuxedo rentals and stuff like that. The owner was very particular about what could be played on the stereo so we were limited by a stack of a dozen or so CD's. It was a mix of country, classic rock and mellower stuff. Frankly, there was no rhyme or reason to it, just whatever passed muster. Which is fine - when you own the place, you're free to build its image. But kill me now if ever I hear Enya again. Fuck, I hate that shit. The John Mellencamp was pretty acceptable background music though. And so was the Queen.

November 13
(singing along, music playing loud in headphones) “Late night, come home/WORK SUCKS, I KNOW!!”
(boss pokes head over your cubicle wall): “Sorry, what was that?”

What albums got you through tough shifts at work, either in the past or in your current job?

I've been working from home for over a decade, but the worst thing about going to the office in the past was the commute. I would work a variety of shifts on tech support when I first started the company I'm with now. I remember being obsessed with the version of Cowgirl in the Sand off of Neil's Road Rock: Friends & Relatives album at the time, and had my commute timed that if I wasn't hitting traffic, it would take me exactly one 18 minute Cowgirl in the Sand to get to work. With traffic the same commute was well over 3 Cowgirls.

Since I don't have that album on vinyl, going with a different version that's only 16:08.

Neil Young & Crazy Horse ~ At The Fillmore 1970

Day 13: (singing along, music playing loud in headphones) “Late night, come home/WORK SUCKS, I KNOW!!”
(boss pokes head over your cubicle wall): “Sorry, what was that?”

I had a temp job last year as an office assistant, scanning & printing documents and whatnot. I worked alone in their old building as they were in the process of moving to the new one, so I was able to blast music in my earbuds most of the time. I remember playing this album a lot then…

GA-20 - Lonely Soul

November 13
(singing along, music playing loud in headphones) “Late night, come home/WORK SUCKS, I KNOW!!”
(boss pokes head over your cubicle wall): “Sorry, what was that?”

What albums got you through tough shifts at work, either in the past or in your current job?

Standing in solidarity with and support of @imtheocean...

Neil Young - Road Rock: Friends & Relatives

November 14
(pulls record from behind coats in closet)
(to self) : “What? Why and when did I buy the Bay City Rollers?!”

Play a record that you have neglected or don’t recall buying. Now think: why do you have this? Why haven’t you played it? Do you even want it anymore? If not, why don’t you PIF it, if it offends you so much? Maybe because offering it up would offend everyone else? In that case, yeah, don’t PIF it, just drop it off at Goodwill.

This was part of my wife's vinyl dowry when we united.

You just can't make this shit up...

November 7
You’re sitting at a red light, playing your all-time favorite song at full volume in your car when the driver in the vehicle next to you makes eye contact. This stranger looks concerned about you and mouths the words: “Is that OMC’s ‘How Bizarre?!’”

I know you bought an album that you had to order online because you were too embarrassed to buy it in person. Don’t be shy; play one of these “guilty pleasures.” Tell you what, to help out a bit: no explanation is necessary for this one.

Hannah Diamond - Reflections (signed)


I particularly liked this one back when I was trying to find my place among the gen-Z hyperpop craze in 2019. Among the more expensive records I've bought as well; it came in a foil decorated bag with 10 full-sized posters! If you see the posters themselves, it's clear why I'd be embarrassed purchasing this in person. Now, while I still somewhat like it, I wouldn't buy it given my desire to downsize the library. It would likely be one to sort into the "to sell" bin.
November 8
“You might have heard of them. They’re part of this new Estonia-Pop scene.”

Play a record from one of your favorite location-based scenes. Were you into this trend while it was happening, or did you discover it after it was all over?

Squid - Bright Green Field (signed)


This post-punk revivalism scene from the UK has been intriguing for a hot minute. I've seen the big three (Black Country, New Road; black midi; Squid) all perform live since the start of 2022. Squid's Bright Green Field is my favorite of the albums released so far (fave album of 2021). They're a fun bunch.

November 14
(pulls record from behind coats in closet)
(to self) : “What? Why and when did I buy the Bay City Rollers?!”

Play a record that you have neglected or don’t recall buying. Now think: why do you have this? Why haven’t you played it? Do you even want it anymore? If not, why don’t you PIF it, if it offends you so much? Maybe because offering it up would offend everyone else? In that case, yeah, don’t PIF it, just drop it off at Goodwill.

I did a pretty decent Goodwill purge when we moved to this house 6 years ago, so there's only an occasional record that I find that I don't remember - mostly because my memory sucks now...and I used to buy many records at a time, so remembering one trip to Portland out of many just isn't happening.

I do have a lot of records that had been neglected - plenty of scores/soundtracks that I've gotten over the previous year or 3 that have been lost in the stacks of records that need to be filed. Some RSD releases of the last year or 2 that I haven't played at all are also in those stacks as well.

This is one that I know I'll love, but just haven't been in the mood for a 3 LP live performance.

Peter Gabriel – Live Blood
Real World Records – PGLPRX17, 2012/2022

#RSD22 - 5000 copies pressed

Cut by Matt Colton at Alchemy Mastering
Pressed at Optimal


November 13
(singing along, music playing loud in headphones) “Late night, come home/WORK SUCKS, I KNOW!!”
(boss pokes head over your cubicle wall): “Sorry, what was that?”

What albums got you through tough shifts at work, either in the past or in your current job?

Standing in solidarity with and support of @imtheocean...

Neil Young - Road Rock: Friends & Relatives

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I'll be back in 18 minutes to figure out todays post.
Screenshot 2023-11-14 at 8.05.20 AM.png

November 14

(pulls record from behind coats in closet)
(to self) : “What? Why and when did I buy the Bay City Rollers?!”

Play a record that you have neglected or don’t recall buying. Now think: why do you have this? Why haven’t you played it? Do you even want it anymore? If not, why don’t you PIF it, if it offends you so much? Maybe because offering it up would offend everyone else? In that case, yeah, don’t PIF it, just drop it off at Goodwill.

I was lucky enough to see the Dave Rawllings Machine after their first album dropped and they did a run of shows on the west coast. Dave had Old Crow Medicine Show and Gillian Welch with him. The show here wasn't advertised with either, and only had maybe 150-200 people and was just a fantastic night. During the show Gillian came out with a banjo and told a joke about how she left a banjo in her car, and left the car unlocked in the hope that someone would steal the banjo. When she got back to the car, there were two banjos there.

That's how I feel about this album.

Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass ~ Whipped Cream and Other Delights

November 11
:::quiet Saturday morning:::

Shoot, you woke up way too early today even though you had plans to sleep in. No one else is up, it’s just you, your morning cup of coffee, and your turntable. What do you feel like playing to ease you into today?

Stars of the Lid - And Their Refinement of the Decline

Reading and ambient music- a nice morning combo.
