Vinyl Me Please Anthology

Yup. People will buy it. It's their cash (and yours in this case) so let them go at it. If you enjoy the records then it's money well spent. But in this particular case though it's an absolute shit ton of money that's probably (i.e. definitely) been disproportionately charged. But you know... Happiness has a cost...
Like, nobody's making fun of you for spending the money, but it is definitely a price gouge.
I'd argue that even with that discount code it's still a rip off.

If you have the money, want this and don't feel ripped off for spending it then you're a better (or richer) person than I. Most definitely richer.
Lol idk about that but for the price I felt like it is worth it. I do not feel attacked or anything like that
"If the grooves don't fit, you must acquit."
If Cam and the others did what they are accused of then they are pretty shadey. However, I hope they bring the marketing materials with them to court for this β€œwe didn’t know what was going on” bs.
I am personally waiting seven days to pay the premium price for this premium experience.
It’s almost like the VMP lot are gaslighting Storfenhauser at this point. This is surely all just a part of a massive internal prank at VMP to see what the most batshit, crazily priced product they can send him out in public with is.

This set though. They may as well have stripped the poor kid naked and sent him to a rotten tomato throwing festival.
ok i think you guys are a little too harsh claiming that this is all just going to be CD rips, cicely worked really well on all her other masters and I think the only reason the CD was used for those single tracks is because they were exclusive bonus tracks from the CD or something.. its more the labels being idiots with giving her the masters than anything
ok i think you guys are a little too harsh claiming that this is all just going to be CD rips, cicely worked really well on all her other masters and I think the only reason the CD was used for those single tracks is because they were exclusive bonus tracks from the CD or something

You mean ODB? I am sure she did her best and it's not against her. It's against the BS of calling it a premium experience when it's not.