Well-Known Member
I think VMP has spread themselves too thin with three tracks each month.
Can they do one great exclusive per month? Absolutely!
Can they do two? Maybe, sometimes, probably.
Can they do three? Doesnt look like it.
So the quality is balanced against what exclusives they can get and you have an off month like January where they are all ho-hum.
January's picks are across the board disappointing, but this is a really bad take. I've been a member for almost 5 years, and there are always going to be those months when a pick or two is less than exciting, but the curation is clearly very distinct (if occasionally curious) for each one. This way is far better than pre-Classics/RH&H when being hit-or-miss meant there was only a single album to focus on. It was much more obvious then that they actually couldn't always do 1 great album each month.
As other have said, the real problem is all of the other non-tracks business decisions they've made.