Okay, yeah I found the post, you were right about April's Essentials:
"We won't be announcing upcoming Essentials again until we announce Feb--March--April, but if you love QOTSA, April is going to be an extremely special--like, first time on vinyl--version of one of the first punk albums. There's no more Sound and Fury that I'm aware of, unfortunately. "
This was posted a month ago about Classics:
"There's a balancing act, for sure. There's a segment of the Classics audience that really ONLY wants the weird cratedigging albums, and then the group that wants deep cut BB King or Miles Davis albums. I'd say that in 2018 we went too far to the former, and 2019 was about correcting that for the latter. I think 2020 is going to be more of the same as 2019, but when we do go crate-digger, it's less left-field and more unknown/underappreciated masterpiece. I think 2, maybe 3 of the first 4 in 2020 could all claim the title as "the biggest Classics release yet" and then the next 3-4 are a bit more smaller scale. We have thru July tentatively booked, with my eyes on August-October right now for locking things down."
He also states there will be another Classics Aretha in 2020: