Well-Known Member
Did storf really say that the March album from 1982 will be the "biggest classics release yet"? If so that makes it a real head-scratcher as far as great albums go. I feel like doing Thriller, which doesn't really fit with most other classics pics, is about as likely as doing the Bill Cosby album from that year, right? So what is it going to be? Marvin Gaye? Seems like a weird choice given any pick of his albums.
My instinct is strongly hinting that it might be this:
View attachment 30166
They've gone a little crate-digger-y/hip-hop-sample-ish with some of their classics and a fair amount of their exclusives in the last year.
So... ummm...
I'll just leave this 1982 album here, and, if you get the reference, I love you: