Well-Known Member
I'm confused. Are you saying the thick outer sleeve of Public Enemy was so abrasive that it was breaking down the inner sleeve of Dummy (which was partially white), causing residue?
Just teasing. I get the aesthetic for sure. On a similar note, though, whenever a record store puts used records out w/o an outer sleeve, I'm instantly put off. Hmm, that's another comment for @toomanyrecords 's new video.
@Btsvinylfarm probably knows more than me about this. It just freaked me out when it happened.
EDIT: It was pretty hard to photograph - I think the whitening shows here. It basically goes all around the outer track but you see it more clearly at an angle- I tried pointing it out with the red arrows. The whole side is "duller" than it should be too. I couldn't tell if it affected the sound when I tried it way back but I'm wary about playing it again so I don't damage the stylus.
As @Btsvinylfarm mentioned, according to the web, it seems to be limited to those thick PVC outer pockets. You can find reports of nastier incidents if you search.

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