Vinyl Me Please Essentials

If it is Phoenix, I'm wondering if it'll come with The Wolfgang Diaries as the 2nd LP. To my knowledge, it was only in this limited boxset when the album was first released.

Also apologies if this has already been mentioned.
yeahhhh they're probably not

i mean i'm accepting of this ROTM because i was already subscribed for the 3 months and i didn't already own the album.. but i understand many feeling ripped off by just a fancy cover and a color variant
I really like Phoenix and I don't have this one so I am fine with getting it, but not really down with them selecting and having sold it in the store just recently, that is in poor taste, hey buy this album oh also we are now sending you this album as a part of the club hope you like having two copies
And one would think that they have ROTMs planned out more than 3-4 months in advance, so they knew this was coming or at least a finalist.
they try to have them 6 months out

That's why I still have a hard time believing that it's Phoenix ... I wouldn't have bought one from the store if I knew it would be ROTM just four months later.
At least in my opinion, Phoenix is to indie pop what Kings Of Leon is to indie rock, or what Mumford & Sons is to indie folk: uninspired pastiche that's inoffensive and mainstream-oriented to the point that it feels like it must be an intentional decision. Will I mind if Phoenix is playing in an Apple commercial on TV? Not at all. Am I ever gonna be in a mood to give Phoenix a spin? Also not at all

Um let's put some respect on KoL's early work those albums still hold up as kickass southern rock and roll.

The South
I personally think a lot of the KOL hate is unwarranted. I really enjoy the early albums up until and including 'Only By The Night'.
Yeah there's a lot of their stuff that misses me now, but here and there is a tune I enjoy, even if it's a different sound.
Here's a later career track I got into:
I personally think a lot of the KOL hate is unwarranted. I really enjoy the early albums up until and including 'Only By The Night'.
Yeah there's a lot of their stuff that misses me now, but here and there is a tune I enjoy, even if it's a different sound.
Here's a later career track I got into:

Yes! This song is wonderful and hating this song is akin to hating joy.
I personally think a lot of the KOL hate is unwarranted. I really enjoy the early albums up until and including 'Only By The Night'.
Yeah there's a lot of their stuff that misses me now, but here and there is a tune I enjoy, even if it's a different sound.
Here's a later career track I got into:

Youth And Young Manhood is a f*cking sick album and was a revelation when it came out, it's steadily diminishing returns since then in my opinion but man the first album kicks.
Youth And Young Manhood is a f*cking sick album and was a revelation when it came out, it's steadily diminishing returns since then in my opinion but man the first album kicks.

I'm actually a big fan of Because Of The Times. "Knocked Up" has such a dreamy, chill was my soundtrack to the first Bonnaroo I ever went to and I can still imagine driving to that song
Honestly I don't think they care about justifying price. It makes sense, but I think they just throw a cool splatter color, say the audio is the highest quality ever, and that THIS IS the definitive version of the album. They run many paid social campaigns to get it in front of non-VMP users and people jump in for this.

Yeah this is essentially their entire business model. I guess this record is just a particularly sore spot for some people because the cheap OG (albeit shitty in the US) issues are still available in every record store. TBH this bothers me alot more than shutting down the forum or the shipping issues. It surprises me that people are willing to pony up $33 for a GZ mastered and pressed splatter of CrazySexyCool that will probably sound mediocre and be filled with non-fill when you can get a Record Industry (MOV) version for $20 or a VG+ copy of the OG US promo pressing for the same amount, but people got super psyched about that. I wish people would treat most of their ROTM issues with some cynicism as it makes sure they're not cutting corners to charge audiophile prices and delivering BandCamp label quality pressings.
Come Around Sundown is the only KoL I know outside of "Sex on Fire" because a friend ripped it to my iTunes back in the day, but that's a fucking awesome summer-in-the-backyard album.