Listening to Lord Finesse for the first time.
I dont believe anyone at VMP knew what they were pressing.
Storf heard a Tommy Boy A&R say during the Prince Paul discussions
"95" (which is wrong) "Golden Era" "Not Been Pressed Since" "Classic" "DITC" "Lord Finesse"
Storf "hey isnt that the dude from Shrek?"
TB A&R "No Stiffmeister thats farquard lol idiot" Storf "Its Storf"
TB A&R "Sorry Surf, so your signed on yes, great " Storf "Its sto...nvm, once the kids (us vmp folk) dig it im cool"
TB A&R "yeah yeah we get asked all the time for this one by our loyal social media fanbase"....
TB IG approx 30+ followers
Its one those albums that a person who refuses to listen to any hiphop post 99, talks coffee shops shroomz & Amsterdam while scratchin his head because his mtv yo raps beanie is itchy in the over filled basement during a hot mid July at the KRS One gig and he is either trying to sell you or score weed absolutely digs and deems "Classic"