Original Resident Ghost
I’m at a point with Kanye where I’m just so put off by his character that I can’t even give his music a chance anymore. To feed his ego through musical validation is just going to exacerbate his madness, people have been so reckless categorizing his erratic behavior and extremely vitriolic statements as “ahead of their time” or “misunderstood genius” that this man now seems to believe that he can actually say whatever he wants and it’s valid. He knows a portion of his fan base are going to defend him when he talks shit about Harriet Tubman or says “slavery was a choice” so he continues to probe the limits of his influence. Our country needs to stop giving people like Kanye the time of the day, or like Trump, he may actually be president one day and everyone’s going to stand around with their hands on their hips like “How did this happen??!”. We should start preparing for a Kardashian to be our first female president at this rate.