Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaas! “If I...” is my shit! I love that track so much, and the smooth, sexy “Get Me Home” is a 90’s R&B, Hip-Hop Classic! Foxy Brown’s confident, effortlessly laid back flow is amazing on that track! No One’s is a sexy, off-guard, R&B, sleek, nostalgic song that has that 80’s slow-jam funky production! The guitar strokes are nice on that one and I love Foxy Brown’s flow too!

“The Promise” with Havoc is such a cold-blooded, mafioso track that I’ve always fucked with too! And “The Chase” is incredible! The fast-paced, stimulating, suspenseful production on that song is so fitting with Foxy Brown’s on-the-run/trying to not get caught bars! It’s just!

Baby monster highly approves of this album!