I know I never got back to you Ghost, but I really admire this post and I read it again today and felt really good reading it! It’s so true what you’ve said! It made me realise that I really need to move out of my parents house within the next year, and to be more independent. I’m so spoilt, like my Mum even irons my clothes and picks up my clothes in my bedroom and washes them, does the dishes, cooks etc and my Dad is so good like that too. On Monday, my wipers weren’t really working and he went to a auto repair place and replaced them for me, and didn’t ask for money or anything. He was just happy to do it and he’ll just make sure my car is good. And whenever my parents go to the supermarket together, they always ask me “what do you want us to get?”!Nathan, I say this out of deep love and concern but I don’t know how sound of a strategy spending your retirement fund egg on records, traveling OR food is. To me that’s indicative of a pretty serious and seemingly destructive shopping habit. We seem to be around the same age and moving out of my parents house at 21 has really shined a light on the value of a savings and a rainy day fund. You seem to have the idea that you’re supposed to actively be splurging your money towards something, and by all means we should all have hobbies that we invest into, but at our age that’s like $50-$100 a month (MAYBE) not dozens of records a month ESPECIALLY not if you’re going after APs, MoFis, and One-Steps which can very quickly create GIANT monthly spends. I think we owe it to ourselves to always be watching the road ahead and how our actions now will affect our experience then. Time starts moving fast right around 25 and I am only now getting to a place where I feel prepared for a “rainy day” and that’s with a little more than half of your former retirement fund saved up. Only now am I realizing how daunting life can be if we aren’t financially responsible. I just get the sense that 5 years from now you’re going to wish you had an extra savings pool to throw at a house down payment or a move or maybe some investment opportunities. Like seriously dude, you saying you’ve withdrawn $15,500 out of your retirement fund to immerse yourself in vinyl makes my insides scream “OHGODFUCKNO”
I know you said you don’t plan on having kids or anything like that soon but in order to have kids at all you need to do your best to prepare years in advance. Like if you want kids in 5-10 years you should ideally be putting away for the little goober now. My fiancé and I desperately want a house and kids but it will probably be another 5 years or so before we can pull the trigger on those goals and that’s as a household that currently brings in $100,000/year. When you start working and have your own place and car and insurance and all that stupid adult shit, money will often leave faster than it comes in and it takes YEAAAAARS to build relative financial stability. It takes a long time in my experience to save $15,500 but you can spend it all in a minute. Something I like to think about to help me with my savings goals is the following:
“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the next best time is right now.”
Anyways, I know you didn't ask for my opinion and I’m sure it makes you want to roll your eyes but just maybe take a biggggg chill and build yourself a hard budget for vinyl spending, you will most likely thank yourself at some point! ❤
YES! One of my favourites.Or Catch Me If You Can? Solid flick
I know I never got back to you Ghost, but I really admire this post and I read it again today and felt really good reading it! It’s so true what you’ve said! It made me realise that I really need to move out of my parents house within the next year, and to be more independent. I’m so spoilt, like my Mum even irons my clothes and picks up my clothes in my bedroom and washes them, does the dishes, cooks etc and my Dad is so good like that too. On Monday, my wipers weren’t really working and he went to a auto repair place and replaced them for me, and didn’t ask for money or anything. He was just happy to do it and he’ll just make sure my car is good. And whenever my parents go to the supermarket together, they always ask me “what do you want us to get?”!
So. I am very spoilt money wise and time wise and just with everything. So I spend my money like a spoilt brat. That will change! I’m going to cook dinner for my family Friday night, and will get takeaway food for them next week!
From now on, I’m going to spend my money much more wisely. I’m still going to do five PT sessions a week because that’s so good for me health wise (even though I kinda hate it beforehand, like the thought of going to my PT session, but I always feel amazing after). But.....I’m going to dramatically cut my spending on vinyl! I listened to a Speakers Corner vinyl pressing today after listening to standard kinda pressings and was like “no more pre-ordering new releases, I prefer high quality pressings so much more”. I am going to delete Reddit too and I think I will actually save up my money this time instead of just being like “I can spend this money like it’s nothing because it’s my retirement fund”. I’ve used all of it up anyway, so from now on, I’m cutting big time on spending, especially as PT sessions cost me AUD$160 per week! ✂⚖
After what you’ve said makes me realise that it is really hard to save (if you were to have all those things you need to pay for). I earn the minimum wage in warehousing/factory work at the moment which is still decent (in my eyes). However, that means that I’d actually have little spending money if I moved out, and had to pay for everything myself!
I’m going to grow up even though I don’t want to, because I need to stop being so comfortable living at home and buying whatever I want. My parents were so supportive because I travelled constantly when I was young, but I wonder what they’re thinking now!![]()
Good one Nathan but also Nathan when VMP will drop a new $800 Anthology box or a $45colored variantexclusive of some random record :
(see how I connected the last 10 pages of this thread?)
Hahaha I haven’t purchased many VMP store exclusives at the moment though, just saying
And I didn’t buy the Grateful Dead Anthology Boxset too!
But......if the Herbie Hancock Anthology Boxset is USD$500, I’ll buy it without hesitation!![]()
Or, for more or less, the same price and if you feel that you really need an Herbie Hancock Anthology :
- Herbie Hancock – Takin' Off (Blue Note 80th Anniversary serie for ± $20)
- Herbie Hancock – My Point Of View (Blue Note Tone Poet for ± $35)
- Herbie Hancock – Empyrean Isles (MM for ± $150 if you are patient)
- Herbie Hancock – Inventions And Dimensions (Blue Note 80th Anniversary serie for ± $20)
- Herbie Hancock – Maiden Voyage (Analogue Productions for ± $100 if you are patient or MM for ± $150)
- Herbie Hancock – The Prisoner (Blue Note Tone Poet for ± $35)
- Herbie Hancock – Crossings (Speakers Corner for ± $30)
- Herbie Hancock – Head Hunters (Analogue Productions for ± $70)
All of these are AAA records, quite cheap and some of the best Herbie Hancock albums. Now it's up to you if you prefer to buy a VMP box with less known records pressed who knows where.
And skalap will throw in a book of listening notes riddled with typos and copy/paste errors for free..
Just going to add that based on the note which came with the fantastic birthday present @Skalap sent me last week, the artwork for this box will be superb!Or, for more or less, the same price and if you feel that you really need an Herbie Hancock Anthology :
- Herbie Hancock – Takin' Off (Blue Note 80th Anniversary serie for ± $20)
- Herbie Hancock – My Point Of View (Blue Note Tone Poet for ± $35)
- Herbie Hancock – Empyrean Isles (MM for ± $150 if you are patient)
- Herbie Hancock – Inventions And Dimensions (Blue Note 80th Anniversary serie for ± $20)
- Herbie Hancock – Maiden Voyage (Analogue Productions for ± $100 if you are patient or MM for ± $150)
- Herbie Hancock – The Prisoner (Blue Note Tone Poet for ± $35)
- Herbie Hancock – Crossings (Speakers Corner for ± $30)
- Herbie Hancock – Head Hunters (Analogue Productions for ± $70)
All of these are AAA records, quite cheap and some of the best Herbie Hancock albums. Now it's up to you if you prefer to buy a VMP box with less known records pressed who knows where.
This is excellent Skalap!Or, for more or less, the same price and if you feel that you really need an Herbie Hancock Anthology :
- Herbie Hancock – Takin' Off (Blue Note 80th Anniversary serie for ± $20)
- Herbie Hancock – My Point Of View (Blue Note Tone Poet for ± $35)
- Herbie Hancock – Empyrean Isles (MM for ± $150 if you are patient)
- Herbie Hancock – Inventions And Dimensions (Blue Note 80th Anniversary serie for ± $20)
- Herbie Hancock – Maiden Voyage (Analogue Productions for ± $100 if you are patient or MM for ± $150)
- Herbie Hancock – The Prisoner (Blue Note Tone Poet for ± $35)
- Herbie Hancock – Crossings (Speakers Corner for ± $30)
- Herbie Hancock – Head Hunters (Analogue Productions for ± $70)
All of these are AAA records, quite cheap and some of the best Herbie Hancock albums. Now it's up to you if you prefer to buy a VMP box with less known records pressed who knows where.
like they legit went in the bin!🗑
They were badly warped and scratched unfortunately! Had to bin it!Such wastefulness, disgusting
I still think of that episode when I’l our of beer and in the back of my mind there’s always some Vanilla extract in the cabinetHanks was also the degenerate Uncle on a very special episode of Family Ties.
They were badly warped and scratched unfortunately! Had to bin it!![]()
All my BlueNote75 pressings were terribly warped, and most of them were scratched. I didn’t want to even store them away for someone else to have because they weren’t playable. And that’s coming from someone who plays a lot of warped records on my turntable!Hmmmmm. Given your past form for binning stuff that could have been donated etc I’m not convinced.
You know what really annoys me, those paper sleeves Blue Note use. Even with the BN80's (which sound great) they always seem to have a lot of surface marks because of those crappy sleeves. Surely its worth paying a few pence more for a proper lined sleeve.All my BlueNote75 pressings were terribly warped, and most of them were scratched. I didn’t want to even store them away for someone else to have because they weren’t playable. And that’s coming from someone who plays a lot of warped records on my turntable!
Yes, it could of got flattened, but they were scratched and the sound quality wasn’t good. Amazon wanted me to pay for the items to get shipped back for the U.S. for me to get a refund, and it wasn’t worth it for me, so I put them all in the bin. Was a bit sad at the money I wasted but it was a lesson learnt nonetheless!
Just going to add that based on the note which came with the fantastic birthday present @Skalap sent me last week, the artwork for this box will be superb!
Edit: Also worth noting that Skalap will also release a limited Japanese version of this box set.
Mmmmmm I know! I think both the Art Blakey & The Jazz Messengers’ Meet You At The Corner Of The World pt 1 & pt 2 both had better quality inner sleeves! I remember being pleasantly surprised by that! But yeah...I think the same as well! Would be way better if they didn’t use those paper sleeves and invested into quality inners, which wouldn’t even cost that much more!You know what really annoys me, those paper sleeves Blue Note use. Even with the BN80's (which sound great) they always seem to have a lot of surface marks because of those crappy sleeves. Surely its worth paying a few pence more for a proper lined sleeve.
No deal from me!Absolutely! I can draw a birthday cake or a lion or a truck or whatever the hell @NathanRicaud wants. Well, maybe not whatever he wants because we all know him but for $500 I can even draw you, I don't know, a house? What you say Nathan? In addition, since I learnt a few words of Japanese I can write something in Japanese. Actually, I may copy/paste some OG mangas texts I have at home because who will notice or understand what I'll wrote? Yeah I'll do that! So @NathanRicaud, do we have a deal or what? $500 shipped for the artwork and the listening notes in Japanese.