Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

So what's everyone swapping for today? I gave Frederick Knight another listen yesterday and I'm just not feeling it. I'm thinking about grabbing Buck Meek if it's there, but I guess the more economical move is to swap for credit and buy it. Was Leon Spencer in swaps last month? Does anyone have it?
So what's everyone swapping for today? I gave Frederick Knight another listen yesterday and I'm just not feeling it. I'm thinking about grabbing Buck Meek if it's there, but I guess the more economical move is to swap for credit and buy it. Was Leon Spencer in swaps last month? Does anyone have it?
Leon Spencer wasn´t in swaps last time, but it was in swaps the month before. I swapped for it and its sounds great. If you like the music it´s a good deal for the price of 33$. I hope that Purdie shows up in swaps today, otherwise I might swap the Knight for credits too.
Storf, if you're reading this, I'd like to see one of these Zach Bryan releases in the VMP Country track since none of his music is on any physical format.
I feel like I ask this every other month, but what time do Swaps open again?

5 pm Eastern, a little over four hours from now.

At the moment I’m keeping Lord Quas, might keep the Strokes, and will wait and see if anything cool is in swaps before deciding how many tracks I’m keeping this month. I still need one Jazz Dispensary title so it’d be a nice treat if they return to swaps (not holding my breath, though)
Wonder if Sonny Sharrock will be in swaps. I wanted it, just never got around to getting it since I though 2,000 copies of free jazz would last.
I'm really noticing this terrible Classics run - those are usually my standbys to get. Trying to decide between Strokes, Billie Holiday, Erykah Badu or store credit. Ugh.