Yeah, it’s interesting because I know the DARKSIDE Psychic ROTM will get a lot of attention on Reddit and will sound great and it will lead to people purchasing the VMP exclusive for DARKSIDE’s Spiral!
Still, I don’t think it will sell out due to that, it will depend too on how popular the album is itself after it gets released! And like you, I think the album will end up in Swaptions! come The Avalanches which is the same price as this DARKSIDE exclusive hasn’t ended up in Swaptions!?
Also, Alicia Keys is still in stock and is USD$45 but hasn’t been put in Swaptions and I don’t think it will be put in the Swaptions because there’s just under 80 copies left! VMP probably are aware it’ll eventually sell out, like the Whitney Houston exclusive!
If there are still 300+ copies left of Spiral in August, then I’d say the album will get reduced in the future, go to the Swaptions or get sold out during a store wide 15%-20% off store wide sale!