Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Isn't it cheaper at $30 to pick it up now, or are you on a bridge plan still?
Yeah im still on the bridge so its around $30USD (think its actually 31USD).

Still, you make a good point and I could alwyas SWAP for credit if something came up that I didnt want. At least this way it wont sell out I guess.

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I might wait until after payday to grab this. It's not Star Wars so I think a pressing of 2,000 should have it stick around for at least a little while (although probably not enough to make it to swaps since October is still a looong way's away)
I feel like if VMP are going to continue to drop 5 releases at points they could do with changing their 'new' section on the homepage to be 5 wide. Always feel bad for the artist that's immediately shunted into oblivion on drop because they got added first. The discoverability on that store is awful as you need to go 'Shop All' and then 'Shop All' again on the next page just to see if there's a fifth drop lol.

I don't know this artist but surprised to see this is limited to just 50 copies, signed.

I don't know this artist but surprised to see this is limited to just 50 copies, signed.

It's the standard pressing, with 50 signed copies allotted to VMP.
This intrigues me. Anyone else familiar with him outside the Narcos song? I like the one song on Spotify that is listed on the tracklist.

It's the standard pressing, with 50 signed copies allotted to VMP.

Coke bottle Green or Crystal Waters (Ltd to 500) is on her BandCamp and on Mexican Summer's site too.

Hmm do I get the AAA Bill Withers for $35 or just not buy anything because I have the MoFi Greatest Hits and Live at Carnagie?