custom title approved by jamieanderson1968
Can anyone tell me when the ROTM announcement for this club is please?
Khemmis - Hunted
Can anyone tell me when the ROTM announcement for this club is please?
Bingo. It used to be they were only a couple dollars more which I could understand. Now There's stuff that's say $22 everywhere else that VMP has for $30To me VMP's problem is not their selections of exclusives, it's that most of them are overpriced.
This exactly; $30-34 for a single LP that’s just a colorful variant of an album you can get for $18-24 elsewhere is not that enticing.To me VMP's problem is not their selections of exclusives, it's that most of them are overpriced.
For VMP? It's tomorrow. It should say on your account page on the site
This exactly; $30-34 for a single LP that’s just a colorful variant of an album you can get for $18-24 elsewhere is not that enticing.
Now if they were a true exclusive or remastered or anything to set them apart from the standard press I might be able to rationalize it.
(This is coming from the guy who bought the Comet Is Coming exclusive when the standard press is already perfect and I own it.)
Decided after I saw them live that I needed it.I bought that as soon as it was available because the colour matches the album perfectly (at least in the mock up).
Also, saw them live, they do not disappoint!
Decided after I saw them live that I needed it.
Cancelled my Lukas Nelson preordered to pick it up, which only cost me $8 after the refund.
They are phenomenal live.
Sounds amazing!Crazy thing was, they played for free in Winnipeg as part of the jazz festival here.
It was unreal to experience them in an small outdoor setting in the heart of downtown Winnipeg.
Makaya McCraven (with Joel Ross) played before them, it was a one two punch that I'll never forget.
Yeah but that $8 difference gets you free shipping (value $5) and you get to wait a few extra weeks for it to arrive (if you're lucky)Bingo. It used to be they were only a couple dollars more which I could understand. Now There's stuff that's say $22 everywhere else that VMP has for $30
It sounds like they're describing Secretly SocietyOf course I can't directly quote this line anymore because, you know, NEW FORUM, but I'll never forget the promise behind it: "We want the VMP store to be a magical place where you can get the albums you really want at member pricing."
ROTM prices are jacked up in the store so it's cheaper with a subscription.Maybe this has long been covered before, so sorry in advance if so. But, I just checked out the "magical place" to see what exclusives (and prices) they had these days, and I noticed that I can buy anything in store - including recent exclusives and all ROTMs (including this month's) - without being a member. I would have to pay $4.95 shipping, but that seems to be the only charge regardless of how many records I add.
So, is being a member of VMP literally just to save a $4.95 shipping charge now?
So, is being a member of VMP literally just to save a $4.95 shipping charge now?
ROTM prices are jacked up in the store so it's cheaper with a subscription.
FOMO got the best of me and I picked up Grace Lightman - Silver Eater.
I've listened to it several times in a row on Apple Music and it's a fantastic album.
On prices, this one worked out to be the same price in Canada (with taxes) as VMP (converted in to Canuck Bucks) so I figured, why not get the silver version to match the artwork/story. I blame @Rahawk2 for his funny remark about this album which peaked my interest.
Funky Funky Funk Rob!First spin of the ROB exclusive. Holy shit. This is great! So far I like it better than either Africa Brasil or Willie Bobo...
It's funny because I'm the same, not usually into Techno-pop but this album also reminds me of a blend of several favourites from my college days like Metric (Grow up and Blow Away/Old World Underground), Broken Social Scene, and the Flaming Lips (Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots), which are really the only albums I listen to that sound remotely like this. Seems to scratch that itch for meGotta say, the tecno-pop genre is generally not my thing, but I am enjoying the album on spotify thus far. Pretty cool debut for sure. The jacket cover would pair well with the Faye Webster cover also, so there is that...