Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Yeah. Seriously, the only new ones are Huntly and Arthur Moon! Come on VMP!
Cancelled my membership off the back of it. Not that VMP will care, but I reiterated that I’m happy to stick around even when the ROTMs aren’t for me so long as I get value out of the swaps. But the swaptions are just so stagnant now (and the ROTMs largely uninspired recently) there’s nothing to do but leave for now.
How did people coax the "please dont cancel here take a free record" emails out of VMP when trying to cancel? Thinking about jumping ship but there's enough here i'd take at half price if I got one of those emails and they offered something good.
The first time I cancelled it took a day, but this past time it took a few months...but I did notice that I had the option of signing up month to month :)