Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Yeah that's fair.
I already have a great copy of that Sonny Rollins album so I passed on that one and the others are not my cup of tea.
That being said, some of the more unknown releases were selling out much faster. I've been listening to Grace Lightman - Silver Eater and I really like it. Previously, the FOMO would have made me Tina the album asap. Today, I'm not 100% sure I want it
mmmmm that’s so true! That album probably would’ve sold out by now if VMP didn’t shut down the forum and weren’t having so many issues as they are having now with their service in general. That Grace Lightman album is awesome and it’s only limited to 300 copies.

I’m pretty shocked it’s still in store because you have around 3-4 tracks on there that have a hint of that alienated, mellow yet groovy Kate Bush - Mother Stands for Comfort vibe.

Everyone on here, If you love that futuristic Kate Bush track from her classic album Hounds of Love, then I highly recommend you picking this album up! I think it will sell out soon and it’s not too bad at $25. Could be cheaper but I think it’s well worth it 😊
FINALLY spinning Funkadelic - Finest... I can't say that this sounds "bad," because it sounds wholly unlike anything else I own. I'll have to own up to recognizing George Clinton as a pop-culture personality for many years but not spending much time with his studio output. Is this compilation supposed to sound like a cassette mixtape? Is it due to it being a compilation in general? Is the sound this hollow and weird (but kind of great) on the original albums? Provide me with some context, guys!

EDIT: the red and yellow splatter on this pressing looks really, really good, btw.
Nevermind. ATO is repressing and like the color better anyway.

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Hey Guys,

I love Dawes. I just bought the ATO red version of North Hills, and gladly paid $6 more than the VMP version.

This guarantees the VMP version will stick around and be a swaption for months to come

You are welcome.

Got all three on the way, so I'll be able to compare too... :)

My opinion as of today:

1) ROB
2) Africa Brasil
3) Willie Bobo

They're all very good, but ROB has bass that will. not. quit. Africa Brasil is a great, mellow, upbeat vibe all the way through. Willie Bobo has a handful of cover songs that, unfortunately, resemble elevator music to my ears, but the original tracks are unassailable.
FOMO got the best of me and I picked up Grace Lightman - Silver Eater.
I've listened to it several times in a row on Apple Music and it's a fantastic album.
On prices, this one worked out to be the same price in Canada (with taxes) as VMP (converted in to Canuck Bucks) so I figured, why not get the silver version to match the artwork/story. I blame @Rahawk2 for his funny remark about this album which peaked my interest.
I'm still listening to it, It's like a musical version of the movie Species, except the alien doesn't want to murder everybody she just wants to hang out drink soda and eat silver . She has a beautiful voice and I keep replaying it. And you're right it just makes sense to pick up the silver version to match the cover/story if you can.
This exactly; $30-34 for a single LP that’s just a colorful variant of an album you can get for $18-24 elsewhere is not that enticing. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️

Now if they were a true exclusive or remastered or anything to set them apart from the standard press I might be able to rationalize it.

(This is coming from the guy who bought the Comet Is Coming exclusive when the standard press is already perfect and I own it. 😂🤣)

Haha. It was extremely difficult for me not to pull the trigger on that one. Such a great record. If I didn’t already own it, I definitely would have given in.