Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

For all of you swapping for Rob this month: I got it last month and have been very happy with it. (y)

How are people feeling about Kingmaker by Joel Ross? I have listened to it a few times on Spotify and feel on the fence about it...
Joel Ross is a must grab in my opinion. First, it’s nice that it’s a Blue Note pressing and that the colour variant matches the album cover well.

Now for the music, it’s just full of life. It’s calming, yet intense and so rich and colourful. The interplay between all the musicians (pianist, bassist, saxophonist and Joel Ross/vibraphonist) - feels very tight and basement like. When I saw Joel Ross live, it was the same! All the musicians worked tightly together and in such harmony.

Ask @Selaws - the pianist is subtle and very romantic yet the saxophonist is passionate and edgy, yet the bassist is soothing and dreamy and Joel Ross is spiritual yet quirky and smooth. And the drums are crisp! But Joel Ross really is at the forefront.

If there’s 3 words I could describe Kingmaker, it would be: Wise, Rich & Fearless
ahh....the good ol' days, when I use to have a VMP account page.

I'm just curious as to what might drop and to see if it entices the stupidity out of me to sign up again. ;)

OMG this company is a mess. I just went to my orders page and noticed the Outkast that I ordered two months ago was nowhere to be found. I used the chat feature to ask if I was still getting it, and they said it had been CANCELLED. WHAT?!? I NEVER CANCELLED IT. THANK GOD I SAID SOMETHING ELSE I'D BE OUT 23$.

Now they said I'll be getting one, but it's not gonna show up in my orders page. They said that I'm in a Google Doc for people who need to receive it.

Dimmi, Dimmi! Tell me!

What are your other options? I’m happy to make the decision making more easy for you 😊
LOL... maybe I need to take a look at what's NOT showing up in my options and email or chat to request, like some folks are doing;)

Strangely enough, I seem to have lost my ability to UN-swap and revert back to this month's pick (RHH). Never seen that happen before.
Rough month! I went for Grace Lightman and Donald Byrd, but ordered Skull Snaps to lock it in. I'm going to send CS an email asking them to swap Skull Snaps for Byrd. I would have used the chat but it's not showing up on my browser (Chrome)...

EDIT: CS got back to me very fast and made the swap for Skull Snaps. I doubt it even took half-an-hour.
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LOL... maybe I need to take a look at what's NOT showing up in my options and email or chat to request, like some folks are doing;)

Strangely enough, I seem to have lost my ability to UN-swap and revert back to this month's pick (RHH). Never seen that happen before.
Yeah, why not! Request for TLC’s FanMail or Skull Snaps’ self-titled! Both are great exclusives that are great value for money as swaps :)
ROB is the best of those choices, IMO.
Agree! I haven’t spun Funky Rob Way yet, but the music is just 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

I would also say it’s the best out of the choices too! Musically, it just feels authentic and creole and it just reminds me to not take things too serious and to always enjoy life!

Funky Rob Way is charming, sexy, classy and welcoming. I love it so much and it will be one of the first records I spin when I come back home!
also, how TF is Outkast in the store right now?
