Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Days like today I'm glad I'm only a "casual" Mars Volta fan whose interest pretty much began and ended with Deloused.

Although Frances is slightly tempting. $55 for a triple LP pressed at Optimal is... acceptable in 2021 I guess.
Frances I completely forgot I loved back in the day until I gave it a listen yesterday and still have the CD kicking around in storage. I wish I had store credit to burn because that's the only one I'd pull the trigger on, but not at like $80CAD. No way I can justify that.
Yeah this is just it. I have a crazy high quality boot of France's, got a OG Noctourniquet, and the effed up De'loused. I really only want Bedlam and Amputechture but like... I just KNOW GZ will have screwed these up.

EDIT- Not to mention, with the Clouds Hill pricing on these, add in the VMP bump for shipping and color... You gotta be thinking these are gunna be close to $80 USD per album.

EDIT EDIT- actually Clouds Hill price also include shipping soooo, let's say $70-75 per album from VMP.

EDIT EDIT EDIT - ALTHOUGHHHHH, Clouds Hill is based in Germany I believe, so they're were factoring in like $20 in shipping so MAYYYBEEE we're talking about like $50 per album for VMP...

Which FTM boot do you have? The 2LP red/blue one we talked about before?

I am spinning mine now to "make sure" I don't need to upgrade. lol
Which FTM boot do you have? The 2LP red/blue one we talked about before?

I am spinning mine now to "make sure" I don't need to upgrade. lol
No I've got the 3 LP black Euro boot from 2015. It's the one that was kinda thought to have come from the scrapped MOV release that was apparently pretty close to final. It sounds pretty good considering the original vinyl release of FTM wasn't exactly stellar by all accounts. But I'm sure this new one will beat it. We'll see, I've bought very few albums recently so I'll take a shot