Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

I bought Frances. To me:
Relationship of Command > Frances & Deloused > any Sparta > any other MV
Having never heard of At the Drive-in or Sparta until today, after listening to them all day, I am prepared to make my comparisons.

I prefer Sparta as they draw a closer resemblance to Rise Against, who I like.

At the Drive-In has traces of Rage Against the Machine and a little early Nada Surf? Like if Nada surf took a hard turn toward punk/post-hardcore instead of indie rock/power pop.
How's it sound in general? I have an OG but it is probably VG.

I mean outside of the 40 seconds of super loud right channel noise it sounds pretty good? Better than I expected.

Leaving Mather's horrendous luck aside and my modest system(ATLP60) I have to say it sounds pretty good. Loud and stable, don't recall any noise on my second copy, maaaaybe around the end grooves of side C but not anything that messes up the music or sound. 👍
It will really depend on how many @Mather needs to send back
Sometimes, a man just needs to listen to a helium voiced dude theatrically wailing about unintelligible cosmic mysticism and sexing Cthulhu in Spanish while another dude just goes fucking ape on a guitar over dubs of cars crashing in reverse and children laughing.

And when a man needs to hear such things, a man turns to The Mars Motherfucking Volta.

Not heard Any Volta, was looking for an insightful description like this. Now I'm intrigued, I may have to stream an album at the weekend.

edit - obviously depending on my mood