Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

I have said this before a few times; MV has never done much for me. I would much rather listen to ATDI or Sparta than any MV release. Obviously to each their own though, glad I don’t have to drop $60 on this one.
Sometimes, a man just needs to listen to a helium voiced dude theatrically wailing about unintelligible cosmic mysticism and sexing Cthulhu in Spanish while another dude just goes fucking ape on a guitar over dubs of cars crashing in reverse and children laughing.

And when a man needs to hear such things, a man turns to The Mars Motherfucking Volta.
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Sometimes, a man just needs to listen to a helium voiced dude wailing about unintelligible cosmic mysticism and sexing Cthulhu in Spanish while another dude just goes fucking ape on a guitar over dubs of cars crashing in reverse and children laughing.
And when a man needs to hear such things, a man turns to The Mars Motherfucking Volta.
I’m good.
I have said this before a few times; MV has never done much for me. I would much rather listen to ATDI or Sparta than any MV release. Obviously to each their own though, glad I don’t have to drop $60 on this one.

Yep I’m in agreement with most of this. Relationship of Command is an all time great for me and I like the rest of their stuff. I enjoy De-Loused when I’m in the right mood but the rest of MV just doesn’t interest me. I always found Sparta that bit too straight tbh.
Yep I’m in agreement with most of this. Relationship of Command is an all time great for me and I like the rest of their stuff. I enjoy De-Loused when I’m in the right mood but the rest of MV just doesn’t interest me. I always found Sparta that bit too straight tbh.
100% this. Relationship of command is where it all fits together for me. Strange that vmp never did this as " his station is non-operational" is a sort of mission statement for them
Days like today I'm glad I'm only a "casual" Mars Volta fan whose interest pretty much began and ended with Deloused.

Yeah, thanks to VMP I was able to purchase my first MV album, but on the flip side, the experience of acquiring a decent copy of the album from them, muted any motivation I had of exploring the band further.

I've saved a lot of money today, its a good day.
Probably means that since the first run had noise on Side A&B of basically every pressing, that they repressed it and made damn sure this time that there weren't any of that noise again. Probably paid for extra test pressings this time or something.