Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

I was able to buy Buck Owens. I was debating swapping an add-on track for the Carnegie Hall record, but I think I’ll listen to his debut way more often than a live album.
I just checked, and no. It’s not showing up as a swap option. It’s still in stock for members, so maybe next month it’ll be a swap option?

Thanks for checking. Been waiting for it to show up again. Figured I'd be able to sign up with it like a lot of the other previous essentials titles, but no dice.
Thanks for checking. Been waiting for it to show up again. Figured I'd be able to sign up with it like a lot of the other previous essentials titles, but no dice.
You could always check that it's still in stock on Monday, sign up for a month, swap for credit by EOD, then hope it doesn't go out of stock before your credit hits your account. You'd be able to buy in store with your credit.
There also maybe wouldn't be any harm in reaching out to CS directly to see if you can sign up with that record through them.

It became available to sign up with at some point and I did so last night. Is there a certain day of the month I need to cancel by if I only want the one?
Man...if I wanted that Frances the Mute, VMP seems like an awesome deal. When does that happen?
My local FINALLY got it in for $99 CAD. One hundo fucking dollars. Bonkers. Also glow in the dark which I've heard isn't the best.
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