Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

I’m getting 2/4 ROTM’s for the February picks! I’m getting the Essentials ROTM - Grimes’ Visions, and getting the Classics ROTM - Sylvester’s Step II. I think both albums are excellent, and I think Grimes’ Visions is an album that has actually aged better with time!

I think the Rap & Hip-Hop and Country picks for February are quite weak - they aren’t mediocre albums, but also aren’t great albums in my opinion! The Loretta Lynn pick in particular is boring! I still do love Coal Miner’s Daughter however - a stellar ROTM!

Unfortunately, I felt the same for January’s Rap & Hip-Hop pick - that E-40 album is a decent album, but I think it hasn’t aged too well. Tha Hall of Game is nothing amazing in my opinion! The January Country pick - Iris DeMent’s Infamous Angel, is an album I wasn’t familiar with and didn’t connect with at first listen. Even though Infamous Angel is a skip for me, it seems to be a great pick if you love Country music!

The Sigur Ros (Essentials) and Barbara Lea (Classics) picks last month for January were both excellent picks however! Both albums were great discoveries for me!
Seeing Ready to Die this month and Blazing Arrow last month give me hope that Tical may actually come up next month when I'm signing back up for a month to get Modest Mouse. That's the dream.
I’m getting 2/4 ROTM’s for the February picks! I’m getting the Essentials ROTM - Grimes’ Visions, and getting the Classics ROTM - Sylvester’s Step II. I think both albums are excellent, and I think Grimes’ Visions is an album that has actually aged better with time!

I think the Rap & Hip-Hop and Country picks for February are quite weak - they aren’t mediocre albums, but also aren’t great albums in my opinion! The Loretta Lynn pick in particular is boring! I still do love Coal Miner’s Daughter however - a stellar ROTM!

Unfortunately, I felt the same for January’s Rap & Hip-Hop pick - that E-40 album is a decent album, but I think it hasn’t aged too well. Tha Hall of Game is nothing amazing in my opinion! The January Country pick - Iris DeMent’s Infamous Angel, is an album I wasn’t familiar with and didn’t connect with at first listen. Even though Infamous Angel is a skip for me, it seems to be a great pick if you love Country music!

The Sigur Ros (Essentials) and Barbara Lea (Classics) picks last month for January were both excellent picks however! Both albums were great discoveries for me!

Nathan! It's good to see you! Glad to see you are alright.
Part of the appeal of VMP for me was always discovering new artists I otherwise might have never heard of, but QC issues and price increases kind of put a damper on that. Now I usually don't bother sampling a new drop I'm unfamiliar with unless other people are hyping it.

Yeah, I use to love A-B coming on and hyping the newest VMP Rising artists. Definitely got turned on to acts I love that I may not have discovered - and bought their records! Moses Sumney, Gang of Youths, Toulouse, Middle Kids, etc.

Not sure when the last time I even streamed a VMP Rising artist, let along bought their album.
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Pretty much how I feel about 90% percent of VMP exclusives. I mean I have heard of a lot of them but I am like who actually listens to them.

*raises hand* It isn't like VMP is going far afield here

I've liked the last 2 Jenny Hval albums, and while she's on the experimental/avant garde side and I have to be in the right frame of mind, she makes truly interesting music. While I knew she'd been well-received, still a little surprised to see her make the jump from Sacred Bones to 4AD.

Different aspects of indie rock, but both Camp Cope (Australian female trio, indie/punk) and Hatchie (Australian synthy dream pop) are worth your time if you're into that sort of thing.
Part of the appeal of VMP for me was always discovering new artists I otherwise might have never heard of, but QC issues and price increases kind of put a damper on that. Now I usually don't bother sampling a new drop I'm unfamiliar with unless other people are hyping it.
Same boat for me. For $20 or so, I’d take a chance on rising artists or albums I wasn’t 100% familiar with. If I didn’t like it I could always PIF or sell it at what I paid for it. Kate Bollinger, Still Woozy and Holy Hive were three of my favorites. Just can’t justify it anymore price-wise. I still stream the jazz reissues and some other older reissues they do just to see if anything grabs my attention but haven’t heard any true exclusives that I’ve really wanted to drop $30+ on
I was curious to see when was the last time I bought a non-jazz exclusive that was a "new artist discovery" and it turns out it was exactly a year ago with the All Things Blue Rising release.
I was curious to see when was the last time I bought a non-jazz exclusive that was a "new artist discovery" and it turns out it was exactly a year ago with the All Things Blue Rising release.
my last two seem to be Jaunt and JLloyd - Kosmos. i think i have listened to each of them approximately once.
my last two seem to be Jaunt and JLloyd - Kosmos. i think i have listened to each of them approximately once.
That's a bummer. I will say I really did like All Things Blue (I'm spinning it right now) but it was an early precursor of how 2021 would shape up: going through multiple copies due to warping/surface noise issues from a Gz pressing.