Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Never heard of Law records. Unless things have changed recently, Pirates Press is just a broker, not a pressing plant. I think they typically just use GZ (and that's probably why VMP chose to list them instead).

Either way, Steel Pulse is pretty good and I never see their albums around, so I'm considering this one.
Found it on their website, "Our vinyl records are manufactured exclusively by GZ Digital Media." Also it sounds like they always use DMM.

Bought it anyway, this sh*t rocks
Interestingly this is a second run (must have missed it the first time around or maybe I hadn’t binged the show at that point) with 5000 copies (the first had 1000). Has VMP ever reissued exclusives before not including from tracks?
What I'd really love to know is how the hell do they sell 5000 copies so fast.

Sold out before I could even figure out if I should care (I still don't know).
What I'd really love to know is how the hell do they sell 5000 copies so fast.

Sold out before I could even figure out if I should care (I still don't know).
Damn that is crazy.

There will be a few factors with this one I think:

- It's generally a good soundtrack with a decent musician/composer heading it (Labyrinth).
- Fans of the show who will be interested in it from a collectable standpoint.
- People that saw the price that the first run now re-sells for (just had a look and there are 7 available on Cogs starting at £189.60 - the median sold being £84).
Vmp employee assigned to Mather mailer duty:


New anthology ready for packing:

View attachment 137096
Oh man, I see at least one flat LP. Win!
Wouldn't be the first, nor probably the last time this has happened. I fully believe they know what they're doing. They have a presence on reddit, so they know as soon as something popular goes on sale, someone will post it on /r/vinylreleases and drive up demand.
Not like it takes extra special coding skills on Shopify to get it right. But if they just had more time...
I prefer that they don't set it up right...because for some reason I can still buy exclusives on their store through the shop app with free shipping even though I'm not a member anymore...

When you say shop app do you just mean on a mobile web browser? Asking for a friend who won’t be a member this time next month. 🥷
When you say shop app do you just mean on a mobile web browser? Asking for a friend who won’t be a member this time next month. 🥷

I'm sure they are stealing all my data and does help keep track of what I order across sites that use shopify. You can shop at the VMP store through the app, so you can log in now and might still get free shipping next time you order. You still pay non-member prices, but I have been able to order albums that were in swaps and exclusives that still had the member exclusivity window.
I prefer that they don't set it up right...because for some reason I can still buy exclusives on their store through the shop app with free shipping even though I'm not a member anymore...

Whoa, are you getting member pricing too?
No--just free shipping.

Gotcha, it's rare that I even buy an exclusive of theirs but I've been on a one month for some time and swap every single month for store credit. I use it as a savings account of sorts for that time an anthology or "can't say no" exclusive goes up. It's nice to know I'm saving a few bucks and "free" shipping on it with the membership, even if the whole model is a sham.
Gotcha, it's rare that I even buy an exclusive of theirs but I've been on a one month for some time and swap every single moth for store credit. I use it as a savings account of sorts for that time an anthology or "can't say no" exclusive goes up. It's nice to know I'm saving a few bucks and "free" shipping on it with the membership, even if the whole model is a sham.
I debated doing that and swapping for credit every month, but the Impulse Anthology is the only thing that has really piqued my interest in terms of more expensive items. And I'd rather just buy it outright than subscribe for a year or something.
I debated doing that and swapping for credit every month, but the Impulse Anthology is the only thing that has really piqued my interest in terms of more expensive items. And I'd rather just buy it outright than subscribe for a year or something.

I can see that, and right now I have over $200 in credits just by credit swapping but I know they'll eventually drop something I need. At least... I hope.
Picked up Axelrod, with Leon Spencer being the only title missing from that Jazz Dispensary collection. I think I bought all but one (DeJohnette) on TBT. :)