Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Glad I picked up my top two future swaption choices (Afro and Sun Ship) during the 20% off sale because unless it's something I reallllly want I'm not doing add-ons at $36 each. My yearly sub is up in August and unless they do another one of those bridge plans, I'm out. Hell, the main reason I got back on the VMP wagon was because they offered a buttload of store credit if I re-subbed. Gonna need incentives like that to keep me coming back.
I emailed earlier this morning and was given a few suggestions (try a different browser, clear cookies, etc). Of course none of that made a difference and I'm still waiting to hear back.
My credit is not showing up on chrome or safari, I'll message them tomorrow if it doesn't reappear today.
Anybody know where store credit shows or is it missing for others?

I couldn't find mine after taking the store credit deal to renew over the Summer. After emailing with CS a few times, I was able to find it when I logged in using Opera. Even now, I can't see it in Chrome.

It was really weird getting a price increase notice this morning, noting that it would go into effect when my Classics sub renews on 31 Aug, but I suspect it was so they could immediately start charging the higher price for Add-ons. I'm glad I don't have to decide immediately & will hopefully get a few months of records from the new plant to assess; definitely understand those (especially non-US) who drop regardless.
I am also over the "evErYthInG iS MoRe eXpeNSiVe gUyS" --- I get it and I'm not saying that isn't true, but at least make it look like we are getting something for the cost increase. Add in another track, more store releases, something, anything This feels more like your internet or wireless company raising their fees every year "cause they can."
Agreed with this. Plus for me, the quality of the offerings. I'm with RHANDMJ.

I inadvertently let my yearly sub lapse in December after a bunch of years as a member. As I am in Chicago, the new cost with tax is $40 a record (which admittedly, is less than our International brothers and sisters). I swapped 6 of the 12 and kept the credit for 5 of those 6. It's not a winning formula for me.

I want to believe as I did when I initially subscribed but it's just so much more difficult. Perhaps buying one record every once in awhile and taking a hit on a higher price one month sub is the way to go. It seems a bunch of people on this site are doing just that. I suppose better to pay more for something you really want rather than have a bunch of mediocre or "decent" records in the collection.
Anybody a graphic designer?

"If you love music and enjoy supply chain logistics"

I'm literally crying
Anybody a graphic designer?

I applied to that other job posting from a month or two ago. Didn't get it. 😕