Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)


Apparently it's much cheaper on Bullmoose.

The shipping to Canada is what always kills it! Converted on Bandcamp it's $32 for the record, $30 for shipping! VMP converted is like $51. It'll show up at my local for way less so again unless it's a true exclusive or something that's going to be way too much at my local I'm not touching anything from VMP... records are too damn expensive!!

Amazon product ASIN B0937ZVVN1
$30 for a white colored copy. VMP truly has jumped the shark. When I want to give money to Amazon over VMP you know you messed up. That aside, this album is AMAZING.
The shipping to Canada is what always kills it! Converted on Bandcamp it's $32 for the record, $30 for shipping! VMP converted is like $51. It'll show up at my local for way less so again unless it's a true exclusive or something that's going to be way too much at my local I'm not touching anything from VMP... records are too damn expensive!!
Yeah, forgot you were in the Hammer (sorry that happened to you). It'll definitely be everywhere so yeah, best to wait.