Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

how far below asking am I going with...
Now you have to guess the magic number well above asking the seller has in mind and get laughed at when you come in at asking as the sole offer.

EDIT: This isn't a joke either (for those that haven't dipped into the real estate market). When buying, twice we were the only offer at asking and the sellers came back for about 20k more. Last year around this time that number could easily be 100-150k.
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To give a uk perspective on housing markets..

In 1996 I brought my first place (3 bed terraced) £40K

In 2019 my sister brought her 1st place (3 bed terraced)..£300k!

There are 14 years between us in age ..I got on the ladder at 25 , it took her until she was 36
A while ago I found the original flyer/listing for my grandparent's 2 bed house that they bought around 1980. It was the same one that they took with them to the viewing.

It had £10,000 printed with a pencil line strike through and £9,000 (which was the accepted price) written underneath.

We bought a 1 bed flat 4 years ago and paid well over 30 times that amount. The housing market has not only gone bonkers in terms of price, but also in terms of size.

Talk about depressing.
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Don't feel bad. I'm 38 and currently shopping for my first house. And yes, this market blows. I could have bought like 5 years ago right before it got really bad, but I was getting out of a bad relationship, and wanted to move around and rent to find where I liked first.
Yeah it’s tough out there, I wish ya the best of luck. I am grateful we bought back in 2016, the market was already starting to heat up but we got in just under the wire thankfully. At the time we were renting an apartment in a hipper neighborhood and initially underestimated the climate. We figured we find something close by, but after looking for 6 month (and getting beat out on multiple homes) we were to the point where if we could find a home within the city limits we’d be happy. Thankfully we found one, nothing spectacular but it get the job done. If we had waited another year we woulda been priced out of the city entirely and if we waited a couple more years I don’t think we would have been able to purchase a home at all in the PNW. The real sad part is, at this point most of the non- slum level apartments in the city rent for more than my mortgage now. I don’t know how a young person is ever supposed to save up enough for a down payment.
Yeah it’s tough out there, I wish ya the best of luck. I am grateful we bought back in 2016, the market was already starting to heat up but we got in just under the wire thankfully. At the time we were renting an apartment in a hipper neighborhood and initially underestimated the climate. We figured we find something close by, but after looking for 6 month (and getting beat out on multiple homes) we were to the point where if we could find a home within the city limits we’d be happy. Thankfully we found one, nothing spectacular but it get the job done. If we had waited another year we woulda been priced out of the city entirely and if we waited a couple more years I don’t think we would have been able to purchase a home at all in the PNW. The real sad part is, at this point most of the non- slum level apartments in the city rent for more than my mortgage now. I don’t know how a young person is ever supposed to save up enough for a down payment.

The last 9 months Thurston County rent has been higher than King County!!!
Don't come to Tennessee if you are looking for cheap housing either. Granted I live west of Nashville were the prices are little more affordable unlike south of Nashville.

Nashville area realtor here. Housing market is nuts and has been for at least the past 2+ years. Don't see it changing much anytime soon either.

It's not a bad price here tbh.
Not sure what shipping costs are through Bullmoose (but add another album it'll be free), but probably evens out, so probably comes down to which variant you like best.

It's not a bad price here tbh.
Not sure what shipping costs are through Bullmoose (but add another album it'll be free), but probably evens out, so probably comes down to which variant you like best.

3 songs a side? I mean I'm all for leaving groove space but that's a hell of a lot of deadwax.