Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Was there a massive outcry by the fanbase of VMP for more Dolly Parton? I'm not on discord so I thought I'd ask.
At the end of the day I just don't get it.

An electronic track, a metal many tracks they could've added I just don't know why they would choose this to go with.

Hell, I would honestly take a Best Of track over this. I think there's a ton of greatest hits albums that could use revisiting.
Instead of a Dolly partnership, maybe have a quick chat with LL over at Rock the Bells for a partnership?

VMP The Bells.

Make the hip hop track more for your Young Thugs, this new track for the classics. Have the RTB radio staff (Roxanne Shante, Too Short, Bun B etc) curate the albums. I would sign up for life.
At the end of the day I just don't get it.

An electronic track, a metal many tracks they could've added I just don't know why they would choose this to go with.

Hell, I would honestly take a Best Of track over this. I think there's a ton of greatest hits albums that could use revisiting.

I'm guessing this will be the first of many. I think its kind of neat honestly. Give big time musicians a platform to curate their own exclusive clubs. Would be interested to see who comes after Dolly if its a success. Can be a really nifty way to get closer to your favorite musicians.

I have no interest in Dolly but I'd probably jump at the offer for certain musicians whos taste I can trust would be a bit more similar to mine.
Looked at the shop, saw prices, big nope. Crazy that people are still paying up.
Yes prices are indeeds bullshit. So hard to see anything worth buying. I went in to the tbt late and there was little movement when usually hype and nonsense drove sales. They would need to be dropping some golden level stuff for me to consider at current prices and I certainly wouldn’t take a chance with a new discovery at these prices.
Someone on the Reddit is insinuating this new Dolly sub is beginning of the end of the country sub because it hasn't been a homerun. I'm calling bullshit on that.
Same. If the demand isn't high, they can likely reduce quantities, but that doesn't mean there isn't demand.

I was also discussing the popularity of country music in general on reddit and pointed out that country's market share is only slightly less than hip hop and pop by a couple of percentage points and then that person deleted their comments because I guess they realized they were being close minded because 'lol country'.

I'm not a country fan by any stretch, but I did dip in and out for a couple of titles. There's a need for the track, even if it's not someone's cup of tea.

That said, I still don't get the Dolly track, but we'll have to wait to see what that looks like. As I said before there's a ton of tracks that could go over well before investing in another country specific track.
Someone on the Reddit is insinuating this new Dolly sub is beginning of the end of the country sub because it hasn't been a homerun. I'm calling bullshit on that.

I don't buy this either, if they wanted to end the country sub they should have said Dolly is "taking over" the country sub then after a few months just plug the next person in, ect ect and then it's like a little farther from country each cycle until they call it like the guest track or something
I could imagine that the Dolly thing went something like this:
"Wow, those Dolly records really do well for us."
"Let's do an anthology."
"That's a great idea. We'll reach out to Dolly's people."
Boxset pitched to Dolly.
Dolly's people... "well that's nice and all, but we should do something a little more special. What if Dolly got her own club?"
"Um... sure why not?"

The february "pre-sale" has me curious too. In the past with new tracks, it's been a sign up to be notified when it starts. I wonder if this is their big test run to the public for the plant.

Do something big and bold.
