Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)


I randomly have $35 credit in my VMP account and could think of much worse things to spend it on...
Don't come to Tennessee if you are looking for cheap housing either. Granted I live west of Nashville were the prices are little more affordable unlike south of Nashville.

Its bad in the entire state really. I do some recruiting work in Cleveland, TN > just north of Chattanooga and the pp/square foot is just insane. I relocate people for a living (Engineering Recruiter), so I keep up with cost of living everywhere. Daughter just graduated college and is working 3-4 p/t jobs during grad school. She cannot make ends meet. We have royally fucked several generations.
Still no. Thanks though.

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Said this on discord and you need to figure out if the effort is worth it to you, but check your outstanding orders. If you have things that are unfulfilled and still in stock, including anthologies, you can cancel and reorder with the code. I’m ineligible at this point but if I had a code, I’d get Willie and Cadet for $421 in a heartbeat.
Said this on discord and you need to figure out if the effort is worth it to you, but check your outstanding orders. If you have things that are unfulfilled and still in stock, including anthologies, you can cancel and reorder with the code. I’m ineligible at this point but if I had a code, I’d get Willie and Cadet for $421 in a heartbeat.
I guess. I mean if you want an anthology then yeah this is probably the time to do so if you plan on renewing and missed the sales.


They're wanting to lock you in to a minimum 3 month sub and you'll only know one month of what you're potentially getting, for a code that will only work within 27 days.

I just find the whole thing handled weirdly. They should've done this for March, at least then you'll have an idea of what the quarter looks like, and you're also not having a discount code that lasts for the shortest month of the year.
I guess. I mean if you want an anthology then yeah this is probably the time to do so if you plan on renewing and missed the sales.


They're wanting to lock you in to a minimum 3 month sub and you'll only know one month of what you're potentially getting, for a code that will only work within 27 days.

I just find the whole thing handled weirdly. They should've done this for March, at least then you'll have an idea of what the quarter looks like, and you're also not having a discount code that lasts for the shortest month of the year.
Also, maybe let that code work for at least the shortest term of membership you offer to get said code.