Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

I got mine at the merch table when he toured for the album. It was at Neumos in that weird period where the fire Marshall really held the line with them.

And it was a mid week show, and I guess didn't sell super well. It's the only time I've seen them set up tables on the floor at Neumos. Great show.
Wow, yeah I’ve never seen that. We usually sprint up to the balcony to claim a table up there to get out of the mass of people.
I haven’t listened to it yet. Probably tomorrow or Saturday. Looks like it’s pressed and Rainbo if the Discogs is correct so my hopes aren’t too high for it sounding spectacular. Hopefully since it was 2009 maybe they had higher standards than towards the end.
Says Rainbo but also RTI plates on discogs. Lacquer cut by RJ at Sterling who is just okay in my experience. I’m debating picking up a copy since it’s cheap so lemme know if you have a chance to spin it! And thanks to you and @JonnyH for the reminder about this one!
How's it sound? Good pressing?

Says Rainbo but also RTI plates on discogs. Lacquer cut by RJ at Sterling who is just okay in my experience. I’m debating picking up a copy since it’s cheap so lemme know if you have a chance to spin it! And thanks to you and @JonnyH for the reminder about this one!

Spinning side A now. Standard gz crackle and pops. @Mather your system will hate it!

Dynamics are real good though. 👍
Typical VMP Bullshit. They don’t ever do anything for the people that are actually subscribers.
if you have a current sub that started Jan 1 or later, you'll get the promo. if you have a year long subscription currently you can cancel, get refunded the remaining months and re-sub. if your sub expires soon and you want to resubscribe, you get the offer. if you see 8 albums you want for free from their list of 150 titles, then it may work out financially to cancel sub and get a refund and resub even at the higher price point.
if you have a current sub that started Jan 1 or later, you'll get the promo. if you have a year long subscription currently you can cancel, get refunded the remaining months and re-sub. if your sub expires soon and you want to resubscribe, you get the offer. if you see 8 albums you want for free from their list of 150 titles, then it may work out financially to cancel sub and get a refund and resub even at the higher price point.
Well my country Sub renews in April or May i believe, and I’m signed up for VMP Parton. So what do I need to do to get the 8 free records for renewing a year? I assume cancel now and renew.
Well my country Sub renews in April or May i believe, and I’m signed up for VMP Parton. So what do I need to do to get the 8 free records for renewing a year.
in april or may, if you resub for a year, you'll pick 8 free records from the selections. i don't think VMParton is included in this deal.

not entirely sure how it works, but i believe you'll get a coupon code to use for the free albums.
apparently you have to choose all 8 at once. but more titles will be added as the year goes on (new ROTM, exclusives, etc.)
I’ve been happily away from VMP for a few years now but this offer is enticing. Problem is: if I have to pick 8 albums right away, will they offer enough over the next 12 months to keep me interested?

Looking through their current exclusives I see absolutely nothing of interest. Basically the only thing they put out that regularly interests me are the jazz titles on the Classics tracks. The more I think about it, the less I want to commit…
So I'm currently subbed with 8/1 as my renew date. I did some math and found that canceling now, getting my credits back, resubbing for 6months, then resubbing for a year maximizes the deal and gets me more for my money even at the newer price. It's worth crunching some numbers over.

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i think since mine was feb 1 renewal, i could do a 6 month after then do a year long in november to get 12 free records.
I’ve been happily away from VMP for a few years now but this offer is enticing. Problem is: if I have to pick 8 albums right away, will they offer enough over the next 12 months to keep me interested?

Looking through their current exclusives I see absolutely nothing of interest. Basically the only thing they put out that regularly interests me are the jazz titles on the Classics tracks. The more I think about it, the less I want to commit…
can always swap for credit and pick up an anthology or something. miles anthology is coming out sometime in march apparently.
can always swap for credit and pick up an anthology or something. miles anthology is coming out sometime in march apparently.
I don’t do their anthologies, they are way overpriced. But I suppose the credit would remain in my account until I use it up, even if the subscription ends. Is that right?