Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

What's the difference between the two? Any idea?
Probably just color I’d guess and maybe the PJ Ten Club one is more limited. Total guesses on that though. The link originally came from Pearl Jam’s Twitter which is why it was 404–they published it early
The Honky Chateau VMP reissue is also apparently the only AAA one and cut by RKS. The other wide release is digital source apparently. Always weird they get exclusive cuts of wide releases sometimes
I still cannot understand how they don't market this when they get actual exclusivity.
Taken from the description-

"The plant is being built to produce the finest quality records ever made."

I mean they're not going to put out a press release with "we half-assed it and are going to use it to gouge every last dollar from you. it's gonna make shitty bowls that will wreck needles just by being in the room with them"
Wait...this is the band that started the whole "Fuck ticket master and their insane pricing" thing?
That band?
Yea and this is why I said that VMP isn’t in charge of the pricing on this one. Hopefully all store exclusives won’t be this much moving forward. I believe VMP and 10 club are the only places that will sell this.