Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

I think The W is the title that interested me most for April, but when I went back to revisit it the other day I just don't see myself needing it on the shelf. There are a couple absolute bangers but it's a rather mixed affair overall.
I can see why many are not psyched about Oliver Nelson “Straight Ahead.” It’s not really a “swinging’ affair” as Dexter Gordon might say, but if I didn’t have the OG mono, I’d be very happy to be getting it.

I am in with the Wu because I am a Wu fan and may, or not, go with Oliver Nelson as well. I already have SRV, I have enough Nillson and I am not enough in country so I'll pass on the other three.
I can see why many are not psyched about Oliver Nelson “Straight Ahead.” It’s not really a “swinging’ affair” as Dexter Gordon might say, but if I didn’t have the OG mono, I’d be very happy to be getting it.

I am in with the Wu because I am a Wu fan and may, or not, go with Oliver Nelson as well. I already have SRV, I have enough Nillson and I am not enough in country so I'll pass on the other three.

I don't think I can swing an add-on this month, else I would probably go with the Oliver Nelson as well. Still may if I can't nab Waylon. But I may also swap for credit to grab the new WILLIE Nelson instead.
What the story these days with memberships & credits? Can you swap store credits for membership credits? And are there any incentives to keep subscribing now that the free record deal has finished?
yes. you can email CS and they will swap store credits for member credits.

they have a $20/40/80 off 3/6/12 month referral using this link: Join the Club

a bit more for internationals (think its $99 off a year)