Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

i think so but not 100% sure. nathan isn't very active anymore anywhere it seems. i think he pops into the discord every once in awhile to throw up some emojis.
I think he’s probably clicked that his splurge means he now has to work till he’s 100 so he just sits in his room silently hating the big mofi pile that’s forced him back down into the coal mines of Oz for the rest of his days.
I probably shouldn't freak out, storf doesn't even see this forum and I'm mostly just more a paranoid thinker (I'm one of those safe conspiracy theorists)... I have leaked a few things on this forum before and never got in any trouble..

Like for example hip hop Q3 is definitely big doe rehab and probably too shorts blow the whistle and we're probably getting a def jam anthology.. but I more always think someone's watching me and is ready to shame me
Need a real world type docuparody stat.
I probably shouldn't freak out, storf doesn't even see this forum and I'm mostly just more a paranoid thinker (I'm one of those safe conspiracy theorists)... I have leaked a few things on this forum before and never got in any trouble..

Like for example hip hop Q3 is definitely big doe rehab and probably too shorts blow the whistle and we're probably getting a def jam anthology.. but I more always think someone's watching me and is ready to shame me
We’d shame them back for you! We’d flood discord with “WHAT WERE YOU DOING THERE, BUB?”
I probably shouldn't freak out, storf doesn't even see this forum and I'm mostly just more a paranoid thinker (I'm one of those safe conspiracy theorists)... I have leaked a few things on this forum before and never got in any trouble..

Like for example hip hop Q3 is definitely big doe rehab and probably too shorts blow the whistle and we're probably getting a def jam anthology.. but I more always think someone's watching me and is ready to shame me
i really don't think they care.